A Prayer for a New Season

by Lois Flowers

Dear Lord,

As we take our first steps into this new summer season, I thank you for the year just past—for 12 months chock full of opportunities to trust you. Day after day, you showed yourself faithful—in more ways than I can list here, in more ways than I even realize.

It shouldn’t surprise me that you did this—faithful is what you are, and you cannot contradict yourself, no matter how faithless I am. And yet here I am, once again in awe of who you are and how you operate.

It’s a mystery to me—how you choose to answer some prayers beyond our wildest dreams while holding off on others for no apparent reason whatsoever. But you’ve never commanded me to figure you out; you simply ask me to trust you.

So I try.

I’m grateful for all your many blessings—the obvious ones as well as those that may only be revealed as blessings as in retrospect.

I praise you because you are the God who heals, the God who protects, the God who goes before us and is with us.

I praise you because you know how we are formed and remember that we are dust. You are close to us when we are brokenhearted, and you save us when we are crushed in spirit.

I praise you because of how you continually lead us—when the road ahead is long and the way is unclear, when the path is short but very crooked and steep, when the ground at our feet is level and the pastures on either side are lush and green.

No matter what we think, no matter how we feel, no matter what anyone else says or does, you are enough.

When we are weak, you make us strong. When we are afraid, you give us peace.

When we are discouraged, you give us hope. When we don’t know what to do, you grant us wisdom.

And when we are lost, you help us find our way home.



You’ve never commanded me to figure you out; you simply ask me to trust you. Share on X

P.S. I’m linking up this week with Let’s Have CoffeePurposeful Faith, #TellHisStory (with new host Mary Geisen), Recharge WednesdayFaith on Fire, Faith ‘n Friends and Grace & Truth.

Photo by Click and Learn Photography on Unsplash

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Pearl R Meaker June 15, 2018 - 9:58 am

Thank you for praying this prayer and putting it out in public so those of us who are struggling can read it and hope that maybe someday we’ll be able to pray a prayer like it on our own.

May our Father continue to bless and grow you.

Lois Flowers June 18, 2018 - 8:43 am

Oh, Pearl … I’m so sorry you are struggling. I’m praying right now that God would surround you with His peace and give you the strength and grace to walk through whatever you are facing today. (I love your name, by the way!)

Laura at Fantastically Four June 7, 2018 - 7:48 am

I’m praying right along with you and putting my trust as fully and blindly as I can in God this morning. Thank you for sharing your heart!

Lois Flowers June 11, 2018 - 9:26 am

Laura, I guess that’s what faith boils down to sometimes … trusting “fully and blindly.” I’m so glad you joined me in this prayer last week! 🙂

Michele Morin June 6, 2018 - 7:30 am

“Faithful is what you are.”
Pondering this one hard, Lois, because I think it more powerfully communicates the reason why I’m supposed to be faithful: to reflect the image of God most purely.
Thank you for praying “out loud” to a God who hears so we could join you in the prayer.

Lois Flowers June 11, 2018 - 9:25 am

Good point, Michele. Our faithfulness, such that it is, is an act of worship, isn’t it? Hugs, friend!

Linda Stoll June 6, 2018 - 6:05 am

yes and amen, Lois.

grateful and praising outloud right in the midst of it all.

it is no sacrifice, it is a joy …

Lois Flowers June 11, 2018 - 9:23 am

So true, Linda … praying for you this morning, my friend. 🙂

Debbie Putman June 5, 2018 - 5:20 pm

“You simply ask me to trust you. So I try.” Your honesty speaks to my heart. I claim over and over that I trust God but often I fall short. But I keep trying, and in the trying, I am rewarded with His faithfulness.

Lois Flowers June 11, 2018 - 9:22 am

Amen, Debbie. Blessings to you this week, my friend!

Mary Geisen June 5, 2018 - 4:56 pm

I love this prayer and I’m joining you in praising God that He doesn’t call us to figure Him out but just to trust. I’m blessed by your words today. Thank you for linking up.

Lois Flowers June 11, 2018 - 9:22 am

Thank YOU for hosting the linkup, Mary. I imagine it must be a lot of work, but I am thankful you are doing it! 🙂

Bethany McIlrath June 5, 2018 - 1:32 pm

What a lovely prayer, Lois! Joining you!

Lois Flowers June 11, 2018 - 9:21 am

Thanks, Bethany … I hope you are feeling better and stronger with each new day! 🙂

Alice Walters June 5, 2018 - 6:56 am

Hello, Friend! What a beautiful prayer, one from a heart that’s had some major challenges in the last year and still clung to her faith. Our Heavenly Father must surely look at His Child, Lois, and smile. Prayers of continued peace in this new season.

Lois Flowers June 11, 2018 - 9:21 am

Aw, Alice … thank you! I hope you are enjoying the summer so far, my friend … heat and all! 🙂
