Inside: Even though we can’t spot measurable growth, we still might be making progress. Keep reading to discover when going through the motions isn’t just OK, it’s necessary. ~
I feel like I’m just going through the motions.
Perhaps you’ve heard people say this about a relationship, their work or their spiritual lives. Perhaps you’ve even said it yourself.
Chances are, it was presented as a negative. If you’re going through the motions, something is wrong, right?
Not Necessarily
There are scenarios when going through the motions, especially when it’s long-term and habitual, is not a healthy way of living. Like in a marriage, when husband and wife are like two ships passing in the night, day after day.
But there are other circumstances when going through the motions isn’t just OK, it’s necessary. Take physical therapy, for example. It involves literally going through specific prescribed motions to heal from injury, strengthen muscles and relearn vital movements.
Any kind of exercise involves repetitive motion, in fact. I think of this quite often when I’m running in the summer.
Step by Step
I don’t look forward to stepping out into the Kansas heat and humidity several mornings a week. As sweat pours down my face, I want to give up with every slogging step.
But I force my legs to keep going through the motions. And before I know it, I’m back at home. I might hate it while I’m doing it, but it’s good for me, so I keep after it.
We’d never criticize anyone else for going through the motions while exercising. So let’s not be too hard on ourselves when it feels like we’re doing the same in other parts of life.
A Spiritual Lifeline
Different seasons bring different feelings and challenges. Those of us who are naturally routine oriented often have to become more flexible so we can go with the flow when our plans are disrupted.
Sometimes, though, going through the motions is the only source of stability we might have. Even when it comes to our spiritual lives.
Prayer and Bible reading shouldn’t feel like drudgery all the time, but they do take effort and commitment. There’s a reason they’re called spiritual disciplines, not spiritual fun.
A Holy Example
Praying for the same needs and concerns day after day might get old to us, but if the words come from the heart, what’s the problem? When Jesus was teaching His disciples to pray, He didn’t say, “OK, guys, here’s a sample prayer but you have to change it up every week so it doesn’t get stale.”
No, He said, “You should pray like this,” and proceeded to share what we know of as the Lord’s Prayer (see Matthew 6:9-13). We’d be hard pressed to find a collection of words that have been offered in prayer more than this model petition.
The Jewish people repeated many prayers from the scriptures during various holidays, festivals and daily rituals. Repetition didn’t diminish their power or importance; it reinforced it.
The Heart of the Matter
What’s the difference between sincere repetition and going through the motions, spiritually speaking? Either is better than nothing, I think. But motivation is at the root.
We live in an emotionally based world, but long-term relationships—including our relationship with Jesus—aren’t built on emotion. If you sincerely desire to spend time with God but believe those moments have become rote or stagnant, don’t lose heart.
Even when we feel like we’re just going through the motions, we’re still moving. Even when we can’t spot measurable growth, we’re still making progress.
The faith muscles we’re developing in these dry seasons will serve us well later—we can be sure of that. So let’s keep going—one step at a time, one day at a time, one prayer at a time.
♥ Lois
We'd never criticize anyone else for going through the motions while exercising. So let’s not be too hard on ourselves when it feels like we’re doing the same in other parts of life. Share on X Even when we feel like we’re just going through the motions, we’re still moving. Even when we can’t spot measurable growth, we’re still making progress. Share on XP.S. I’m linking up this week with Inspire Me Monday, #tellhisstory, InstaEncouragements, Let’s Have Coffee and Grace & Truth.