Fall Beauty (Plus a Giveaway)

by Lois Flowers

Right now, my days are full of the usual and the unexpected. And as I drive down tree-lined streets on the way the next task on my list—or the next thing I didn’t plan to be doing today—the brilliant reds, yellows and oranges of the fall foliage are bringing joy to my spirit.

It’s true. Leaves make me happy.

I wasn’t anticipating this burst of color this year. It was so dry earlier in the summer, and my typically vigorous flowerbeds sort of sputtered along, doing their best simply to stay alive in the heat and drought. I figured fall would be more of the same—that the leaves would eventually give up and die a dull, boring death, barely holding on to hope that next year would be better.

Instead, this. Fall glory at its finest.

Maybe it’s like this every year. Maybe this year I’m just paying closer attention. I’m trying to cast my gaze upward and outward more often because I’m learning that too much inward gazing starts to wear on me (and probably everyone around me) after a while.

I stop my car to take some pictures at the park. If I’m going to write about the glorious fall colors, I need some illustrations, right? But when I look at the images I’ve captured, I realize that this is one of those times when I need to enjoy something while it’s happening, rather than waste any more time trying to get the perfect shot (which is usually an unattainable goal for me anyway).

I’m struck again by the regular transitions of life—the ebbs and flows of beauty and brown, of lush landscapes and bare branches, of growth and decline.

Seasons come and seasons go. It’s how God set up the world, part of the order that He instilled into nature and into the human life cycle.

Some seasons, like fall and spring, return year after year. Others, like parenting teenagers or supporting elderly parents, are here for a time and then they’re over—never to be repeated again, or at least not in the same way with the same people.

Ecclesiastes 3:11 says, “He has made everything beautiful in its time.” Even as we struggle with unexpected hardships and challenges, let’s not miss the beauty of seasons we may not experience again. It’s there, if only we take the time to look.

• • • 

To celebrate the joy that fall is bringing me this year, I’m giving away a copy of For King & Country’s new CD, Burn the Ships. Just leave a note in the comments about your favorite season of the year, season of life or seasonal activity, and you’ll be entered to win a drawing to be held Nov. 5 (U.S. addresses only, please).

Until then, here’s “Joy,” one of my favorite songs from this CD that has been on autoplay in my kitchen for several weeks.


Even as we struggle with unexpected challenges, let’s not miss the beauty of seasons we may not experience again. Share on X

P.S. I’m linking up this week with Let’s Have CoffeePurposeful Faith, #TellHisStory, Faith on Fire, Faith ‘n Friends and Grace & Truth.

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Gretchen Fleming November 2, 2018 - 11:36 am

Beautiful reminder for me today. Love the images but even more the admonition to enjoy the season and the moment at hand. Thanks for sharing!

Lois Flowers November 6, 2018 - 9:04 am

Thanks, Gretchen. Yes, that’s what I’m working on too … trying to enjoy the moment at hand. No matter what the day brings! 🙂

susan November 2, 2018 - 10:53 am

Lois, I loved your description of fall and the seasons we go through in our own lives. It is so true that we’ll never have them back again—I was just telling this to a friend, to enjoy the time she has now with her small children.
And btw- I think fall is my favorite time of year, I love summer also, but fall can’t be beaten!

Lois Flowers November 6, 2018 - 9:03 am

I agree with you about fall, Susan. (Although summer is my least-favorite season!) So nice to hear from you last week!

Joanne Viola November 2, 2018 - 7:58 am

Lois, you hit on such a powerful point. Yes, the seasons change and come and go. However, every season is different and truly never is repeated. May God help me to enjoy the current season. Very grateful for your words this morning!

Lois Flowers November 2, 2018 - 9:25 am

Yes, Joanne … that is my hope and prayer too … that God will help me enjoy the current season, even in the midst of unexpected difficulties and stresses. Thank you for your encouragement this week!

Laurie November 2, 2018 - 6:50 am

Your pictures of the beautiful fall leaves are so bright and colorful! I enjoyed seeing them. The verse from Ecclesiastes is perfect to accompany the pictures! My sugar maple has finally turned. I can look at it out my window as I type. What a blessing!

Lois Flowers November 2, 2018 - 9:23 am

Ooo … that IS a blessing, Laurie. Thank you for your kind words. 🙂 As I stand at my kitchen sink, I can see one neighbor’s maple and another neighbor’s row of burning bushes through the window. Every glimpse is a peaceful exhale!

Mary Geisen October 31, 2018 - 4:04 pm

There is something about keeping our focus on the present that is so fulfilling. I love taking pictures but I do miss out on what is right in front of me at times in order to get the “perfect” shot. Thank you for this reminder.

My favorite season is summer but Fall is a close second. If only Fall lasted longer with its splash of color. 😉

Lois Flowers November 1, 2018 - 9:30 am

Oh, I’m totally with you on this one, Mary. The fall colors never last long enough and I’m always sad to see them go. Good thing Christmas decorations are right around the corner! 🙂

Trudy October 31, 2018 - 2:19 pm

I’m with you in “trying to cast my gaze upward and outward more often,” Lois. The beautiful array of colors in the trees really display God’s glory, don’t they? Sometimes when I see dropped leaves skittering along in the wind, I wonder… Where will they end up? If they could see and hear, what do they experience along the way? Thank you for all the encouragement and for introducing me to that meaningful song. Love and hugs to you!

Lois Flowers November 1, 2018 - 9:27 am

Yes, the fall colors do display God’s glory and creativity, Trudy. I love your imagination … you have such a wonderful way of looking at things! Love and hugs back, my friend!

Bev @ Walking Well With God October 31, 2018 - 4:39 am

Love that song and group!! Like you, I often waste too much time trying to take camera shots, when what I really need to do is take mental snapshots of the beauty around me. Fall, by far is my favorite season. We are a bit behind you – our trees are just starting to turn and when they come into full color against a sunny Carolina blue sky…my heart sings. I agree….less inward focus and more looking outward and upward.
Bev xx

Lois Flowers November 1, 2018 - 9:19 am

Mental snapshots … yes, Bev! The picture you describe of colorful leaves against a blue Carolina sky sounds lovely … I hope you enjoy every opportunity for quick glimpses and slow gazes at the leaves this fall! 🙂

Linda Stoll October 30, 2018 - 9:19 am

Autumn is my favorite season although I was a bit reluctant to welcome its arrival this year. Summer was such a golden time.

But the capris and flip flops are finally packed away and cuddling under a warm quilt as I read this sweet post makes me smile.

All is well, dear Lois …

Lois Flowers November 1, 2018 - 9:16 am

I’m so glad to hear it, Linda … I’m praying that fall will be a season of respite for you, my friend.

Michele Morin October 30, 2018 - 8:10 am

Yes! We have to enjoy the moments while they are front and center, and so often we are intent upon capturing them somehow — to the point that we miss the brilliant color of the moment!

Lois Flowers November 1, 2018 - 9:29 am

I frustrate myself when I do this, Michele. I like to have pictures to look back on and remember things by, but when I start thinking about how I “need” to get a shot for another Instagram post, I know I’m veering into unhelpful territory.
