How a Simple T-Shirt Can Bring People Together

by Lois Flowers

Inside: When there’s so much that divides us, a catchy message on a T-shirt can highlight what we have in common if we simply take the time to notice.

I was getting ready to check out at Kohl’s when I noticed a woman near the front of the store peering at me as if she knew me. I didn’t recognize her, but that didn’t stop her from coming over to where I stood.

β€œI love your T-shirt,” she said.

β€œOh … thank you!” I said, glancing down to see what my shirt said. (Yep, I should have known.)

“Easily distracted by plants.”

That’s Me

The message describes me to a T (pun intended). And I’m not the only one, apparently.

Nearly every time I wear this particular shirt, gifted to me by my husband who knows firsthand how applicable it is, people stop me to tell me how much they like it.

I don’t mind, though.

Common Ground

Maybe I take after my outgoing Italian mom, or perhaps I learned it from my extroverted daughter. Whatever the case, despite my introverted nature, I enjoy interacting with strangers at stores.

And especially these days, when there’s so much that divides us or could potentially tear us apart, I love that a simple message on a T-shirt can highlight what we have in common.

It’s not limited to hobbies like gardening, either.

Faith Flag

Another favorite T-shirt has the words faith, hope and love emblazoned down the front. People stop me about this one too. At Sam’s Club, at Wal-Mart, at the check-in desk at the early voting place.

In my mind, wearing the shirt is similar to drawing an icthus in the sand, like early believers did as a way to identify one another.

It doesn’t blare Christianity. Most people don’t even notice it, in fact. But when someone sees my shirt and makes a point to say something, it clues me into the fact thatβ€”at one level or anotherβ€”we share some key values.

Building Bridges

It also makes me wonder. Could it really be that simple? Could the unassuming act of wearing a T-shirt open doors, build bridges, cross lines, maybe even start up an unlikely friendship?

I’d like to think so.

We don’t have to think alike about every issue, or even most of them. If we’re paying attention, though, I think we can find pieces of common ground here and there.

We’ve all heard the saying, β€œBe the good you want to see in the world.”

Maybe we could start by wearing the good we want to see in the world.

β€’ β€’ β€’

Do you have a “message T-shirt” that brings people out of the woodwork to talk to you? Have you ever commented on the words on a stranger’s shirt? Please share in the comments …

β™₯ Lois

When there’s so much that divides us these days, I love that a simple message on a T-shirt can highlight what we have in common. Share on X Could the unassuming act of wearing a T-shirt open doors, build bridges, cross lines, maybe even start up an unlikely friendship? Share on X

P.S. I’m linking up this week with #tellhisstory, InstaEncouragements, Recharge Wednesday, Let’s Have CoffeeΒ and Grace & Truth.

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David P Wilson November 23, 2024 - 5:05 am

“This t-shirt design is fantastic! “Perfect for everyday wear and informal occasions!”

Lisa notes March 11, 2023 - 7:34 pm

I would be one of those people who stopped to comment on your shirt! I love it. I have a few shirts that draw comments as well; always fun. Jeff saw a shirt today that would have been perfect for me, but it was the wrong size. It said, “Be a nice human.” πŸ™‚

Lois Flowers March 12, 2023 - 7:00 pm

Aw, Lisa … that would bean awesome shirt for you! I wish they’d had it in your size. πŸ™‚

Bethany McIlrath March 11, 2023 - 11:46 am

This is cool! I like talking to strangers in stores too – unless I’m lost in my own thoughts, then I’m so awkward it’s painful! Haha. I have a Christmas sweater that says “Merry Christmas Ya Filthy Animal.” That one starts conversations!! Thanks the sweet thought about finding common ground, even over a shirt! : )

Lois Flowers March 11, 2023 - 12:11 pm

I can get lost in thought at stores too, Bethany … especially when there are plants around! And I can imagine those conversations about your Christmas sweater … it must bring Home Alone enthusiasts out of the woodwork everywhere. πŸ™‚

Deborah Rutherford March 9, 2023 - 2:35 pm

I love this. I have a customized mama llama t-shirt that my husband designed before we knew about the children’s book, and strangers tell me they like her. Yes common ground is so important to build bridges and to be peacemakers. Thank you.

Lois Flowers March 11, 2023 - 12:02 pm

Deborah, you have taken me down memory lane here … Is Your Mama a Llama? is one of our all-time favorite books. And how fun that your husband designed the shirt before you knew about the book! πŸ™‚

Trudy March 9, 2023 - 11:22 am

I love your T-shirt, Lois, and its message. πŸ™‚ Also the “Faith, Hope, and Love” one. This resonates with me – “And especially these days, when there’s so much that divides us or could potentially tear us apart, I love that a simple message on a T-shirt can highlight what we have in common.” I don’t wear T-shirt messages myself, but I notice if I complement someone on theirs, they look so surprised. Kind of like I imagine you were. πŸ™‚ Love and blessings to you!

Lois Flowers March 11, 2023 - 11:59 am

It warms my heart to think of you complimenting people on their T-shirts, Trudy. Whenever I talk to strangers at the store, I am always thinking, “I’ve turned into my mom,” in the back of my head. πŸ™‚ Love and hugs, dear friend!

Linda Stoll March 8, 2023 - 1:11 pm

Back in high school I happily sported an ‘I LOVE my attitude problem’ tee. I’m not sure I’d wear that in public these days … but maybe at home??!!

Lois Flowers March 11, 2023 - 11:47 am

Haha, Linda … I’m thinking your grandchildren would get a kick out of that! πŸ™‚

Anita Ojeda March 8, 2023 - 6:53 am

I need a t-shirt that says β€˜Easily distracted by birds!” πŸ˜†. But when I’m out birding, my camera and binoculars are a giveaway and other birders will strike up a conversation (and I with them). I agree, we need to focus more on points in common rather than differences. The would would be a better place if we all did this.

Lois Flowers March 11, 2023 - 11:46 am

I agree, Anita. I love that you’ve made connections when you’re out birding … totally makes sense that it would happen! And now you’ve got me thinking that a shirt that simply says “Easily distracted” would also fit me perfectly …

Lesley March 7, 2023 - 2:53 pm

I like your T-shirt, and it is great how small, simple things like that can bring people together. I don’t wear T-shirts much but I do have a hoody with the words “My wand chose me” and a picture of a clarinet. People usually get the Harry Potter reference but most people don’t get the clarinet. It is fun though when someone understands it properly – I know there’s a connection there!

Lois Flowers March 11, 2023 - 11:45 am

How fun, Lesley. One hoodie with two levels of connection possibility!

Joanne Viola March 7, 2023 - 1:30 pm

I love your t-shirt! It’s funny as my daughter and I talk plants all the time πŸ™‚ You are so right, Lois. We can find common ground with those around us and perhaps start building a connection from there. I’m so grateful your Italian mom is teaching us all a thing or two!

Lois Flowers March 11, 2023 - 11:43 am

Ah, Joanne! Italian moms do that well, don’t they? πŸ™‚ I’m glad you and your daughters have bonded over plants. My girls have little interest in gardening, but when I was their age, I was the same way. It will be interesting to see if they forego zero-scaping when they have their own homes and try some perennials. πŸ™‚

Maryleigh March 7, 2023 - 12:50 pm

I’ve only started wearing t-shirts since my spinal fusion surgery – there’s so many good messages on so many! I need one that says I stop for turtles (in the road) LOL. I’d never thought of them as ice-breakers. But what an opportunity for goodness. When I take my knitting to drs offices or the park, places where sitting and waiting – even coffee shops – so many people stop to talk about what I’m making. Sweet opportunities God gives us!

Lois Flowers March 11, 2023 - 11:40 am

Ah, Maryleigh … I love the fact that people stop to talk to you about your knitting projects. I’m guessing that has inspired many fun and interesting conversations. πŸ™‚

Kristen March 7, 2023 - 10:14 am

Sometimes, I think we forget how something as simple as a message on a shirt can be the catalyst for connection!

Lois Flowers March 11, 2023 - 11:38 am

I know, Kristen! It always takes me by surprise when it happens, even though it happens a lot. πŸ™‚

Debbie Wilson March 7, 2023 - 9:34 am

I like your T-shirt also! πŸ™‚ There is so much that divides these days. Nice to hear how your shirts build conversations.

Lois Flowers March 11, 2023 - 11:38 am

I always go away from those conversations with a smile on my face, Debbie. πŸ™‚ Good to hear from you this week!

Barbara Harper March 7, 2023 - 9:07 am

I’m not a tee shirt person–I’m too lumpy for them. πŸ™‚ But my sons and d-i-l have several that I love. My son was just mentioning last night that the people at the physical therapy place he’s going to like seeing what he wears. The one he had on last night said “Bearded Funcle” with a definition that Funcle was a fun uncle. One of my favorites is my daughter-in-law’s which says “Not a Hugger” and has a picture of a cactus. πŸ™‚ If I wore tee shirts, I’d get that one. πŸ™‚

I love that things like that which lead to common ground and surprising connections.

Lois Flowers March 11, 2023 - 11:37 am

Your daughter-in-law’s t-shirt makes me smile, Barbara. And also the fact that it’s the t-shirt you would get too. πŸ™‚

Ashley Rowland | HISsparrowBlog March 7, 2023 - 9:06 am

Hey, I love your T-shirt! Although I only have a few low-maintenance plants (which I’ve learned is all I need), I love plants. My husband always has to stop and wait for me as I walk slowly through the plant section at Lowe’s, looking around at everything and ohing and awing. And I can totally relate to having to look down at what you put on that day to remind yourself of what you’re even wearing!

Lois Flowers March 11, 2023 - 11:35 am

Ashley, if given the opportunity, I do the very same thing at Lowe’s (and any other store with a lawn and garden section). πŸ™‚ So fun that we have our love of plants in common.

Donna March 7, 2023 - 9:01 am

Oh how I love this post, Lois! Maybe it’s because your Italian outgoing Mom sounds just like mine, and I am missing her so much these early days after her death.

But she seriously always said she never knew a ‘stranger” because everyone was her friend. She passed that on to me, and I enjoy interacting with strangers too (much to my husband’s dismay)

I remember one time specifically when she was in the ER with shortness of breath (against her wishes), and how she forgot herself and had conversations going with everyone in the waiting room, encouraging them. Even the doctor who cared for her was telling her all about his family before we got her out the door.

My husband marvels at how people engage with me or I them with such ease, and t-shirts are a great way to do that! I’m not a t-shirt girl, but I find other ways to bring people together!

Fun post my sweet friend!

Lois Flowers March 11, 2023 - 11:33 am

Oh my goodness, Donna. I loved reading these stories about your mom, and how you take after her. That scene from the hospital is especially telling! I’m quite certain our Italian mothers would have have enjoyed each other immensely. Sending you hugs and prayers, dear friend.
