Not too long ago, I read where yet another person from some well-known Christian circle has revealed that he longer believes.
Not that he’s decided to leave the evangelicalism of his youth or convert to Catholicism (although those transitions make headlines too), but that he no longer believes in God at all.
From where I sit, it seems like more and more people—well-known and non celebrity alike—are abandoning the faith. And perhaps that’s true. We very well may be in the middle of the great falling away that the scriptures say will happen in the last days. (2 Thessalonians 2:3)
My guess, though, is that people have been giving up on God throughout the ages, but we just didn’t hear about it because 1. Such defections weren’t celebrated the way they are today, and 2. There was no social media around to broadcast each and every one.
In my more mathy moments, I wonder about the ratio between the number of people who are leaving the faith and the number of people who are actually coming to faith in Christ across the world these days. Is it 2:1? 4:1?
Or what about this? Maybe it’s 1:3 or 1:4?
Only God knows. Guessing again here, but I have a feeling the statistics are different than we may think, if we only go by what we read on the Internet or social media.
Still, these “I’m no longer a Christian and I’ve never been happier” announcements make me sad. They make me wonder what the world will be like when my daughters are my age, and how they will have managed to hold up under it all.
I pray that they will walk in the truth and not be swayed by the fickle whims of man. I pray that God will guard their hearts and direct their steps. I pray that their heavenly Father will keep them close in His loving care, all the days of their life.
I pray, mostly, but I also have some things I want them to remember. And you too, if you feel a bit overwhelmed by all the changing tides and shifting sands in our culture today.
If you find yourself questioning, doubting and wondering if this stuff you’ve believed all your life is really true, don’t just seek out solidarity with other people who also are questioning, doubting and wondering if all the stuff they’ve believed all their lives is true.
Seek out the wisdom of older, wiser, trusted friends and loved ones who have kept the faith, who have persevered through the tough times, who will assure you that questions and doubts are human but Truth is divine.
Don’t base what you do or think on other people’s opinions. Don’t choose the books you read, the clothes you wear or the theology you believe based solely on what someone else says. Especially if that someone is someone you’ve never met who doesn’t even know you exist.
Hold every trending idea, every hot-button ideology and every prevailing wind up to the lens of scripture. Be cautious about people who mix logical arguments with personal experience to explain away millennia of orthodox belief.
Never stop talking to God, and don’t ever start thinking that you’re not doing it right or that He’s not hearing you or that you don’t want to bother Him with something because it’s too insignificant. It’s not.
Your life will always be full of questions, some answerable and some not. Don’t blame God when an answer isn’t forthcoming. You’re not the first person who ever tried to trust in the face of the unknowable, and you won’t be the last.
At every age and every season of life, remember this: God made you the way you are, with your unique set of gifts and growth opportunities, for such a time as this.
Persevere in the faith. It’s hard, but worth it. In every way imaginable. As Psalm 73:24 reminds us, “You guide me with Your counsel, and afterward You will take me up in glory.”
♥ Lois
Be cautious about people who mix logical arguments with personal experience to explain away millennia of orthodox belief. Share on X Seek out the wisdom of older, wiser, trusted friends who have persevered through the tough times, who will assure you that questions and doubts are human but Truth is divine. Share on XP.S. I’m linking up this week with #tellhisstory, InstaEncouragements, Recharge Wednesday, Let’s Have Coffee, Inspire Me Monday, #HeartEncouragement and Grace & Truth.
Lois, I find it sad, too when I hear of anyone leaving the faith. I agree with what Lisa mentioned, that isn’t the end of the story, because God loves us too much to let us go. He pursues us unto salvation, He gave His only Son to redeem us He loved us so much and Christ fully gave Himself as the sacrificial Lamb completing the redemption. We must bring our doubts and questions to God, He is not threatened by them, but as a loving Father wants to helps us understand. Thank you for this great post!
That’ll preach, Donna! Thanks so much for adding your godly perspective to this conversation, my friend. 🙂
Such a good post. I just cannot imagine not believing especially when you once did.
Me neither, Susan.
“Questions and doubts are human but Truth is divine.“ Wow. So much wisdom in all this! Thank you, Lois. I pray alongside you!
I know you do, Bethany. I appreciate your commitment to the Truth, my friend.
Excellent. So many need to see this. Shared on FB.
Thanks for sharing, Lauren. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
I am reading and thinking about “deconstruction ” right now because it’s such a huge issue, and I teeter back and forth between sadness and disgust. We are so quick to make an idol of our feelings and opinions, to X people out for their mistakes or misguided ways. I am praying for believing people to see the process all the way through: construction, deconstruction, REconstruction…
Michele, I’m right there with you when it comes to the feelings about “deconstruction.” There seems to be a snowball effect … when someone who is struggling reads something from an “influencer” who has deconstructed and come up with a more palatable version of God, the first person feels validated and affirmed and all that. Never mind that whatever the influencer is sharing now might be far from the true Gospel. My prayer–for myself, my loved ones, and the church as a whole, I think–is that we would know the truth and the truth would set us free.
Lois, I don’t even know how to express the sadness this trend has caused me for some time now. I have a post begun, but not posted, in which I have tried to share my thoughts. I pray that we become a generation that does not grow weary and remains faithful to the Lord.
That’s the desire of my heart too, Joanne. I’m looking forward to reading your thoughts about this, my friend.
Such a timely post. I have also been saddened by the seemingly increasing defections from the faith lately. I agree that everything is more public these days thanks to social media and the applause of those who welcome such declarations. Praying that those who are questioning their faith seek truth from the right source instead of the loud voices clamoring for attention.
Thanks for this post.
That’s my prayer too, Ruth. So good to hear from you this week! 🙂
My heart has been so saddened to hear of a couple of people who have left faith behind. I find it heartbreaking that this happens. But, like you said, perhaps it’s part of the falling away. When our children hear about these well-known people making these choices, I have to remember God holds my children’s hearts. It’s not my job to make sure they walk with God; it’s His. So, I pray for them. And, I encourage them to talk with the more mature believers God has placed in their lives. You share so much wisdom here, Lois. Thank you.
Oh Jeanne … it’s sometimes tempting to go straight to the fear that our kids will be among those who go to college and lose their faith, isn’t it? And yet you share such a comforting truth … that it’s God who holds our children’s hearts, not us. No matter where they go, He will faithfully pursue them and lovingly woo them. Hugs, friend.
Wise advice, Lois. I, too, wonder if perhaps we’re seeing more of this kind of thing because everything is so public and so rapidly trumpeted forth now. Or maybe it has just become trendy. It’s hard to be on the wrong side of the crowd, as Christianity has to be sometimes. So some join the crowd and turn their back on Christianity instead of vice versa. It’s so vital to be grounded in Christ.
I agree with Lisa, too, that this isn’t the end of the story. Hopefully for some, when the spotlight is off and they have time to think, they’ll be able to sort out whether they’re truly walking away from God or from certain movements or beliefs.
I agree with you, Barbara, about being grounded in Christ, and with Lisa, that this isn’t the end of the story. Only God knows, and I believe His Father’s heart will continue to pursue all of those who are truly His. Blessings, friend.
It seems like leaving behind a life of faith is nothing to be celebrated. I think social media and the constant need for others’ attention and approval play into these announcements. I am baffled. I can understand questioning certain aspects of faith. I can understand expressing doubts and insecurity, but I cannot imagine a life completely devoid of faith. I guess that is something to be grateful for.
I can’t imagine that either, Laurie. And I think you’re right about the “constant need for others’ attention and approval.” If we were all just quietly living our own lives, this all might look very different. But that’s not the way the world works these days, is it? While that makes me sad, it also makes me pray more earnestly for my loved ones.
I hear these stories too. I often think they’re not the end of the story though. Not yet. I’m glad God never gives up on loving us, on pursuing us, on counting us as his own. Beautiful insights here, Lois.
I’m glad for that too, Lisa. And I think you’re right … the story isn’t over until we draw our last breath. Hugs, friend.
Wow Lois, I really never thought about it that way. You hit the nail on the head with the very real truth you shared. Thank you for initiating a pause and reflect in me. Blessings.
I’m glad you found good food for thought here, Paula. Have a wonderful weekend, my friend!