One Way God Helps His Children

by Lois Flowers

I was dropping Molly off at school one day last year. Normally, the principal would be out front, opening car doors and greeting children as they entered the building. This day, however, a woman I had seen around but didn’t know was the welcoming committee.


When I asked Molly who she was, she couldn’t give me a name, but she did offer a job description.

“I think she helps people who are having trouble,” she said.

In the context of an elementary school, that could mean any number of things. Academic, social, physical, behavioral—you name it, some kid in the building probably needs help with it.

But Molly’s insightful words got me thinking about the people who have helped me when I was having trouble. That very week, in fact, a concrete-cutting crew had been in my house when after-school pick-up time rolled around. The workers were at a critical point in the project and I couldn’t leave, so I hurriedly texted a friend for help. Not only did she open her home to Lilly after school, but she also offered to pick up Molly at a completely differently school—one that none of her own children even attended.

I was touched by my friend’s kindness. But when she brought both girls home later, she thanked me for asking her to help. She knows what it’s like to be the one needing help, she told me, and she likes to pay it forward.

The more I thought about it, the more I realized that helpfulness seems to be a defining trait among people I hold dear. It’s not something that comes so naturally to me, but many around me—friends, parents, siblings, my own husband and children—have this gift in spades. And their willingness to use it—sometimes at a moment’s notice, and even to help someone I love—has inspired me to up the ante on my own acts of service.

Psalm 121 makes it clear that our help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. But often He sends that help through people—people who look just like you and me.

So if you’re a helper, keep helping. You may not fully realize it, but what you do is important, necessary and hope-filled.

If you’re not a natural helper, pay attention to the people around you who always seem to be pitching in and learn from their examples.

And if you’ve been on the receiving end of some kind of practical assistance, say thank you. Not just when the help happens, but when it comes to mind later—even much, much later.

You never know. Your future words of thanks might mean as much to the person who helped you as their kindness meant to you.

Lois Flowers

Photo by Randy Flowers
P.S. Linking up this week with Kelly Balarie at Purposeful Faith, Crystal Storms at Intentional Tuesday, Jennifer Dukes Lee at #TellHisStory, Holley Gerth at Coffee for Your Heart, Lyli Dunbar at ThoughtProvokingThursday, Crystal Twaddell at FreshMarketFriday and Dawn Klinge at Grace & Truth.

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Aimee Imbeau September 1, 2016 - 6:43 pm

It is hard to ask for help…I suppose it’s kind of like the prayer warrior asking prayer. But once we start doing it, it gets easier. I hope.
Thanks for linking up with Grace and Truth.

Lois Flowers September 7, 2016 - 12:52 pm

I think it does get easier, Aimee. And other people get such joy out of helping … 🙂

Rachel Britton August 30, 2016 - 11:54 pm

God sends that help through people like you and me – that’s what I’ve learned this week as God has taught me to step out of my comfort zone to help some women and children across the other side of the world. And other people have stepped up to help, too.

Lois Flowers August 31, 2016 - 8:17 am

That’s beautiful, Rachel. I’m glad you got to be a part of God’s helping strategy this week. 🙂

Nannette and the Sweetheart August 26, 2016 - 6:46 am

Beautiful! Visiting from Grace and Truth. Loved how you said, If you are a helper, keep on helping! God will use us in seemingly little and insignificant ways but the recipient sees them as HUGE. Thanks for the reminder ♥

Lois Flowers August 26, 2016 - 8:36 am

You’re welcome, Nannette. So glad you stopped by today!

Sarah Donegan August 25, 2016 - 3:42 pm

I like to help, but I don’t always think of it as fast as some friends. My best friend, especially, always jumps in with an offer. I strive to be more like that!

Lois Flowers August 26, 2016 - 8:36 am

My friends are good examples for me too, Sarah. I’m grateful God didn’t just surround me with people who are just like me!

Debbie August 24, 2016 - 8:27 pm

I have a really hard time asking for help, but I do love helping others. Great thoughts here and yes I know for a fact being married to a servant spirit they love to be told “thank you.”

Lois Flowers August 26, 2016 - 8:28 am

Debbie, isn’t it interesting that someone who has a hard time asking for help is married to someone who loves to help? 🙂 And simple thank-yous are huge, aren’t they? So glad you stopped by this week!

Debbie August 26, 2016 - 4:26 pm

Thanks Lori. Confirmation that God brought us together. They say He created us so opposites attract. I believe that and I see me changing because of who God is and who he is.

Tiffany Parry August 24, 2016 - 2:39 pm

I have the hardest time asking for help. My go-to is go it alone. But God has been encouraging me to step out in several ways to invite others into my life. It’s a unique perspective to know that we can actually bless others by asking for help and allowing them to use that special gift God has given them. Thank you for the reminder today, friend. xo

Lois Flowers August 26, 2016 - 8:27 am

I’m a do-it-yourselfer too, Tiffany. But I’ve been learning, largely by watching my parents reach a point where they’ve absolutely had to ask for help, how much people want to help and how much it means to them to be asked. I know God will bless you as you reach out, and I’m also certain whomever you reach out to will be blessed by your involvement in their lives!

Valerie Sisco August 24, 2016 - 12:23 pm

I love what you said about God sending the answer to our prayers for help in the hands and feet of friends or strangers and I’m challenged to think of ways I could be a greater help!

Lois Flowers August 24, 2016 - 12:48 pm

So am I, Valerie. So often I prefer to think or write or create, but sometimes, what I really need to do is pitch in and help! 🙂

Candace Playforth August 24, 2016 - 6:37 am

We gain so much from serving others. I love that your friend thanked you for asking her for help. How wonderful it would be for people to see us all as your daughter described that woman, as people who help people who are having trouble. What inspiring words you’ve shared here for us all to give a little more.

Lois Flowers August 24, 2016 - 8:09 am

Thank you, Candace! I know this has certainly been a journey for me … it’s so easy to stay cocooned in my own little world, but I’m learning to look for opportunities to jump in and help. I’m so glad I’ve had good examples to follow!

Kristina August 23, 2016 - 9:06 pm

A challenging post! I never thought of in these terms as if one person is gifted more in helping and another should learn from it. It is a gift. I am not naturally a helper but to learn from someone else is something I should do. visiting from #tellhisstory your neighbor

Lois Flowers August 24, 2016 - 8:07 am

I’m with you, Kristina. Just this summer, I watched someone handle a somewhat uncomfortable task that would soon be mine. Watching her empowered me more than I can say–it actually gave me the courage to do what I needed to do later. So glad you stopped by today!

Trudy August 23, 2016 - 3:52 pm

I often forget that it makes others feel good to help us. I love to encourage others, but it’s so hard for me to ask for help. I love the snow sign “kindness!” 🙂 Blessings and hugs to you, Lois.

Lois Flowers August 24, 2016 - 8:02 am

Trudy, it is a big switch to go from helper to the one needing help, isn’t it? But you’re right–it does make others feel good to help us. I hope you have a wonderful day, my friend!

KellyRBaker August 23, 2016 - 9:13 am

Kindness goes such a long way. Where would we be without helpers! Thanks for your encouragement to help others, because that is modeling Jesus.

Lois Flowers August 24, 2016 - 7:59 am

Kelly, I would certainly be up a creek without helpers, I know that much! Thanks for your kind words today!

bethany mcilrath August 23, 2016 - 8:00 am

My natural helper self feels weird when I ask for help and often wonders if I’m weird for offering help. Thanks for these kind words, Lois, they reinforce for me that the Lord making me a helper is a way the Lord works through me.

Also- how did they get the snow to stand up like that?? That’s so cool!!

KellyRBaker August 23, 2016 - 9:14 am

IKR? Those people have raised the bar on front lawn 😉

Lois Flowers August 24, 2016 - 8:00 am

Ha … yes, definitely!

Lois Flowers August 24, 2016 - 7:59 am

Bethany, you are NOT weird for asking for help or for offering it! As a past recipient of your help, I can testify that you are kind and competent, which is the best sort of helper there is. 🙂 As for the snow letters, I have no idea how they did it! I’m just glad Randy was fast (and coordinated) enough to snap the picture across the front seat while he was driving. I would have driven right over the letters if I had tried that!

Linda Stoll August 23, 2016 - 7:17 am

Your gentle words have fortified this people-helper this morning, Lois. Thank you, thank you!

You are an encourager.


Lois Flowers August 24, 2016 - 7:54 am

As are you, my friend. I hope you have a wonderful birthday. (It is this week, isn’t it?) 🙂

Reply August 23, 2016 - 6:54 am

Beautifully articulated Lois.I believe god gives each of us a spiritual gift and we can learn from one another. This allows us to grow as Christians. I truly have appreciated the unconditional help of others at various times in my life.
As you mentioned, I thank God for the people that He allowed and still allows in my life. I pray I can be of same help going forward. Have a wonderful week and may God bless you and yours!

Lois Flowers August 24, 2016 - 7:49 am

Well said, Horace! Watching people use the gifts that God gave them is inspiring, isn’t it? And also empowering for us, I think. Thanks for your kind words!
