I don’t know about you, but I’d never intentionally drop a blender jar full of smoothie ingredients on the kitchen floor or purposefully let a glass baking dish slip out of my hands and shatter all over the place.
At my house, we call these messy scenarios accidents. There’s no other way to describe them.
The mental, emotional and spiritual brokenness that we sometimes experience isn’t like that, though. Sin causes it, but not always. When God allows brokenness, it’s because He means to. It might be messy, but it’s not accidental. It has purpose, though not necessarily one we can see at the time.
This is where the life of faith comes in. No matter how we feel, we can choose to trust God. We can’t focus solely on the situation causing the brokenness; we have to look to the truths about God that we find throughout scripture. Such as:
“The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.” (Psalm 34:18)
“The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble, and He knows those who take refuge in Him.” (Nahum 1:7)
“My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.” (Psalm 73:26)
We don’t understand when our hearts, our relationships or big pieces of our lives are cracked or shattered, so we might be tempted to think that God doesn’t love us or doesn’t care. But that’s simply not the case.
He’s perfect in love, perfect in faithfulness. His ways and thoughts are not like ours. He sees what we cannot see; He knows what we cannot know.
As human fathers and mothers, we often make decisions our children don’t understand. They might respond by saying, “You don’t love me” or “You don’t care” or “You’re trying to ruin my life,” but as parents, we know that’s not true. We see their struggles, but we don’t back down because we believe our actions are for their best.
The same is true with our heavenly Father. Even in our brokenness, the promise of Romans 8:28 still applies to each one us: “And we know that all things work together for the good of those who love God: those who are called according to His purpose.”
♥ Lois
When God allows brokenness, it might be messy, but it’s not accidental. Share on XP.S. I’m linking up this week with Purposeful Faith, #TellHisStory, Let’s Have Coffee, Faith on Fire, Faith ‘n Friends and Grace & Truth.
Praise the Lord there are no accidents at His hands!
That is definitely cause for praise, Bethany.
There is so much truth in these words —>
When God allows brokenness, it’s because He means to. It might be messy, but it’s not accidental. It has purpose, though not necessarily one we can see at the time.
There is so much to reflect on in this post. Thank you for helping me to see my brokenness for good.
Mary, I think I first started looking at brokenness like this when we were dealing with infertility … it made such a difference then and has had huge impact on my faith journey ever since. I’m so thankful we have a loving Heavenly Father who knows exactly what we need and will do whatever is necessary to provide it. Hugs, friend.
So encouraging. Visiting you today from the faith and friends link up. laurensparks.net
It was good to hear from you this past week, Lauren. Blessings to you …
These accidents and broken pieces can be so hard to understand. But the idea that God knew they would come (nothing surprises Him) and that He is there in the breaking, the mourning, the cleaning up and all that comes after, brings so much peace.
I completely agree, Rebecca.
This is the kind of reminder we need often. God is always faithful and uses every brokenness to work in our lives for His purposes. May we always trust Him.
Amen, Joanne.
So good, Lois. You and I were thinking along the same lines this week. We may not always understand what is going on, or the reasons why something happens, but God, who is always loving and faithful, knows the reasons.
That is such a comforting statement, Laurie. So good to hear from you this week!
I love analogies – and you used them well in the first paragraph. I mean who would do those things intentionally? Excellent post. We never got to the place you told us about in Homer – in fact we only stayed long enough to have lunch – it was a foggy, blustery day. We did love Alaska though!
Thanks for your encouraging words, Susan. It was so much fun to read about your trip and see your pictures … so cool that we were in the same place in the world at almost the same time!
It is encouraging to remember that God has a purpose even in our brokenness and that he can use the pieces to create something beautiful!
So true, Lesley. Hugs, friend.
Awww, Lois, there is so much wisdom in your words. It’s true . . . our heavenly Father doesn’t have “Oops” in His vocabulary. When He allows things into our lives that leave us broken, He’s working. He’s with us. He’s healing. I’m needing to remember this as we walk through a hard parenting season right now. Thanks for the beautiful reminder.
Thanks so much, Jeanne. My heart catches when I read about your hard parenting season … you’re in my prayers, my friend.
Thank you for these ”truths about God” verses, Lois. They are soothing balm to a broken heart, aren’t they? I’m so grateful we have a Refuge and Stronghold we can flee to. Love and blessings of strength and peace to you!
I feel the same way, Trudy. Love and hugs to you, dear friend.
These are the kinds of truths that we need to remind ourselves of ALL the time: “He’s perfect in love, perfect in faithfulness.” Thanks, Lois. I’m grateful God is fully capable of dealing with my brokenness, even when I’m not.
I’m thankful for that too, Lisa.
Such a beautiful picture of unconditional love, Linda. Hugs, friend.
Oh yes, how He meets us in those messy places. Especially those of our own making, that spring out of our own disobedience or willfulness.
Thank You, Lord …