Reflections on 10 Years of Blogging

by Lois Flowers

Inside:  What I’ve learned since publishing my first post has very little to do with blogging and very much to do with life, loss and God’s faithfulness through seasons of change. ~

As of last week, I’ve been blogging for 10 years.

 It’s hard to believe, honestly. Not because I’ve been at it for an entire decade, but because of all the life that transpired during that time.

 Life that I’ve written about—for me and, perhaps, for you.

Back Then

When I hit publish on my first post, my daughters were 12 and nine. My parents were still alive and, as far as anyone knew, as well as could be expected for people in their early 80s.

 Today, the girls are young adults. Lilly is working her first post-grad job, and Molly—now a college sophomore—is spending the semester in Ireland.

 My parents have been in heaven for five years, after a series of events over several years that nobody could have imagined or predicted.

As a Result …

What I know now that I didn’t know when I published my first blog post has very little to do with blogging and very much to do with aging parents and grief, God’s sovereignty and timing, holding fast and letting go.

 I’ve written about these topics along the way, but not because of some grand master plan I came up with at the outset. In those early years, when I was sharing stories about my family and my own personal struggles with fear and change, I never would have dreamed that one day I’d be writing about parent loss and God’s faithfulness during unexpected seasons of chaos and sadness.

 And yet, somehow, that’s exactly what I did.

Week After Week …

I wrote through my parents’ last years, and then I continued to write after they were gone. I wrote to process my own thoughts and feelings, but also to encourage others who had experienced a similar loss or expected to do so soon.

A couple of years ago, in a post about some devotional practices I’ve discovered since I began blogging, I wrote this:

“God will use every single thing He allows to touch His children’s lives for our good and His glory. And it’s not a huge stretch to think that He might use an earthquake as the means to shore up our foundation in way that prepares us for a future hurricane.”

Universal Experiences

Early on, I was mostly content to share stories from my life and let readers glean their own meaning from my words. Then a few of those earthquakes and hurricanes came my way, and I started realizing that, while the details of each event were unique to my family, the questions and feelings they stirred up were universal—or at least common among believers.

Because of this, my writing started to become more outwardly focused. We’re in this together, is how I see it now. And the more we can point each other to the constancy of God’s character, the comfort of His sovereignty and sufficiency of His grace, the better off we’ll be.

Whether you’ve been with me since the very first post, you’ve been reading for several years or you just subscribed last week, I’m so grateful you’re here. I can’t predict what the next 10 years—or even the next 10 months—will hold for this space. But I do hope to keep showing up here (or in your inbox) every week, sharing some bit of life or truth that might encourage us both.


P.S. If you’d like to receive these posts in your inbox every week, simply enter your email address under the “Follow Blog Via Email” banner on the right sidebar, click the “Follow” button and confirm your subscription in the email you receive.

God will use every single thing He allows to touch His children’s lives for our good and His glory. Share on X We’re in this together. And the more we can point each other to the constancy of God’s character, the comfort of His sovereignty and sufficiency of His grace, the better off we’ll be. Share on X

P.S. I’m linking up this week with #tellhisstory, InstaEncouragements, Let’s Have Coffee and Grace & Truth.

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Ashley Rowland | HISsparrowBlog September 30, 2024 - 9:10 am

I love how you said what you’ve learned through blogging has less to do with blogging than with life. I feel the same way. I don’t know when I came across your blog, but you’ve blessed me so much. Congratulations on your ten!

Linda Stoll September 29, 2024 - 7:33 pm

Can you believe that you’ve been blogging for a decade? Wow, friend. I am grateful for your steady companionship and wisdom in my life and trust that God will continue to bless you with more words of kind grace and tender observations to share with us in the next season.

He is so very good.

Bethany McIlrath September 29, 2024 - 12:42 pm

So grateful to be in this together with you. Thanks for 10 years of sharing your stories and His faithfulness, friend! Here’s to many more!

Vicki Hornung Reyes September 25, 2024 - 10:32 am

As a survivor of Hurricane Odile, your quote under “Week After Week” is true in a literal sense. We are so much better prepared for “normal” hurricanes here in Los Cabos, both in terms of readiness as well as anxiety level. As a Christian, it is also true. Surviving times of anguish has helped me to develop an understanding of God’s purpose for suffering. When new sufferings occur, I question His will far less and trust Him much more.

Lois Flowers September 27, 2024 - 12:15 pm

What a powerful testimony, Vicki! I’m sorry you had to go through Hurricane Odile, but what a blessing to be able to look back and see how it helped prepare you for future events. So good to hear from you this week.

Debbie Wilson September 25, 2024 - 8:34 am

Lois, congratulations on 10 years of blogging and growth. Like you I find blogging to be a wonderful way to capture what God is showing me.

Lois Flowers September 27, 2024 - 12:12 pm

Thanks, Debbie. And isn’t wonderful to look back and see His faithfulness through the years? There are posts I don’t even remember writing and when I read them, all I can say is, “But God …”

Lesley September 24, 2024 - 3:59 pm

Congratulations on ten years of blogging, Lois! I’m grateful that you share your journey with us and I am always blessed and encouraged by your words.

Lois Flowers September 27, 2024 - 12:10 pm

Thanks, Lesley. I’m so glad you’re here!

Barbara Harper September 24, 2024 - 12:35 pm

Happy Blog Anniversary! I’m not sure when our paths first crossed online, but I think I’ve been here for a good many years and enjoyed what you had to say.

My blog has changed a lot over the years, too, as has our family. When we took care of my mother-in-law, a lot of my blogging reflected my struggles and learning curve with caregiving. I’ve never liked the idea of writing a niche blog, because the ones I’ve read seem to start repeating themselves after about three years.

Keep writing and sharing!

Lois Flowers September 27, 2024 - 12:09 pm

I’m with you about niche blogging, Barbara. When I try to put myself in a box or write what I think people might want to read, I end up not being able to write anything! Writing though life seems to be a good strategy for both of us. So thankful for your presence here and in our writing group.

Joanne Viola September 24, 2024 - 12:34 pm

Lois, I am not sure when I discovered your writing but I do know it has encouraged me deeply. It is amazing to look back and see the changes which life brought over a period of time. And as we are here in the midst of a seasonal change, the one thing we can remain confident of is that our God never changes. He is faithful, loving, merciful, gracious, forgiving and holding us up every step of the way. May He continue to bless your writing and use it for His glory!

Lois Flowers September 27, 2024 - 12:07 pm

Thanks so much, Joanne. Your presence here (and on your blog) is such a blessing to me. And amen to all that you said about our unchanging God! Hugs, friend!

Maryleigh September 24, 2024 - 11:21 am

It’s so hard to believe it’s been 10 years! God just keeps bringing us the stories about which to write – and that, too, is amazing. The challenges, they change – but God’s faithfulness in walking us through them doesn’t change. I’ve enjoyed being on this writing journey with you in this sweet, faithful community!

Lois Flowers September 27, 2024 - 12:05 pm

Amen, friend! So glad you are here …

Michele Morin September 24, 2024 - 9:06 am

Incredible! Ten years!
I’m very grateful for the years when our paths have crossed and our stories have so often intersected. And I’m thankful for the gift of words God has given to you, my friend!

Lois Flowers September 27, 2024 - 12:04 pm

The feeling are all mutual, Michele! Hoping God gives us both many more years of blogging together. ♥️

Dayna Hamm September 24, 2024 - 8:29 am

Congratulations on 10 years! You have been encouraging me longer than that. Your infertility book was such a gift. I’ve never stopped applying the wisdom you shared. We ended up adopting and my oldest son just turned 20.

I’m currently attending a grief group after the loss of my mother. Last week I explained the concept of God sightings to the people at my table. Some of them were angry with God for allowing thier loved one to die. The concept of God sightings has kept me going in all kinds of hard times.

I often share your blogs with women in my Bible Study group. Keep on writing, it is impactful to user readers.

Lois Flowers September 27, 2024 - 12:03 pm

Aw, Dayna … it’s lovely to hear from you and thank you for your kind words. Wow—can you believe your oldest son is 20? What a journey! I’m so sorry for the loss of your mom. 😢 I am glad, though, that glad looking for God sightings is bringing you comfort in this sad season. Sending you a long-distance hug today! ♥️
