Share Four Somethings: August 2021

by Lois Flowers

Oh, friends. The weight of the world just keeps on getting heavier, doesn’t it? I don’t have to make a list—you know what’s going on. Across the ocean, across state lines, across town, maybe even across your own living room.

And yet, can we also agree that joy can still be found? In quiet conversations, quiet walks, quiet moments outside? In our kids’ rippling laughter, the steady beat of a new favorite song, perhaps even in the overwhelming drone of cicadas at dusk (a sound that brings me back to childhood like nothing else)?

In this month’s installment of Share Four Somethings with Heather Gerwing, I’m including a few of those little things that have created rhythm in my days and, in turn, upped my joy level.

Something Loved

A few months ago, I wrote about my goal to be more creative with my flower pots this summer. You may recall that I actually did branch out a little bit—mostly by using red, white and purple petunias in my planters for the first time in many years.

By this time in our Kansas summer, the planters are looking a bit bedraggled. The heat and various insect visitors have taken their toll, at least on the foliage. But the petunias keep on flowering, so I keep on deadheading. Which, surprisingly, has become one of my favorite rhythms of this gardening season.

No matter when I do it—in the cool of the morning or the heat of the late afternoon—the mundane act of pulling off all those wilted, shriveled up blooms somehow settles my spirit and gives me a sense of accomplishment, if only until the next day.

Something Read (or Heard)

This month, it’s a song—one I’ve had on repeat since I heard it on the radio for the first time. I’ve added it to my running playlist, and I even listen to it while I’m doing planks and wall sits at night.

It’s by a (new-to-me) group called King’s Porch, and it’s called “I Speak Jesus.”

With all that’s going on in the world right now, this song reminds me that God hasn’t left us to fend for ourselves—He is with us, He is working, and there is power in His name.

Listen here:

Something Treasured

In late June, I traveled to Wisconsin with my younger sister to see my dad’s older sister. It was wonderful to see my 91-year-old aunt—one of the most positive, joy-filled people I’ve ever met—and revisit some of the places I remember from family vacations when I was a child.

It was also wonderful to connect more deeply with my sister, who is five years younger than me and lives in a different state. When you spend five hours in a car at a time, you’re able to have broader-reaching conversations than you can via text or even over the phone.

She’s further down some paths than I am, and I’m further down some paths than she is. We’re able to encourage each other, and I treasure that opportunity.

Something Ahead

I think I’ve found a running strategy that works for me. Every week, I try to go a little farther than I went the previous week.

I’m talking feet here, not parts of a mile.

It’s about running to the next tree. Up the next incline. Across the road that leads to the school. It may not sound like much, but that’s my kind of progress.

I don’t wear a sports watch or keep track of my time or speed. I have distance goal, but no set timeframe for achieving it.

As few as they are, I can feel the steps I add each week. Some days they feel good, some days they don’t. That’s why I’m doing planks and wall sits at night—if parts of my body get stronger, I figure, maybe the running will get easier too.

Until then, my daily goal is simple—to keep going until I’m done. (Seems like there’s a metaphor about life in there somewhere, but I ran to a new clump of shrubbery today and I’m too tired to figure it out.)

• • •

Now it’s your turn. I’d love to know your favorite daily rhythm, a song you have on repeat or your current fitness goal (however big or small). If none of those apply, pick another something loved, read (or heard), treasured or ahead to share in the comments.

• • •

Finally, you might remember that we had a random drawing for a sign here a couple of months ago. The winner just happened to be a dear friend who lives in one of the most beautiful places on earth. She sent me this picture of her sign in its new home.

We have a few of these “Live Life. Take Notes. Tell Stories.” signs left. They’re handcrafted by my husband Randy and on sale this week for $18, including shipping (U.S. addresses only). Contact me here if you’re interested.


With all that’s going on in the world right now, God hasn’t left us to fend for ourselves—He is with us, He is working, and there is power in His name. Share on X

P.S. I’m linking up this week with Share Four Somethings, #tellhisstory, InstaEncouragements, Recharge Wednesday, Let’s Have Coffee, #HeartEncouragement and Grace & Truth

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Heather Gerwing September 2, 2021 - 12:09 pm

Thank you for sharing the song, I wasn’t familiar with it. However, you lost me at planks and wall sits. LOL.

Lois Flowers September 3, 2021 - 6:54 pm

Haha, Heather! The bar is set VERY low at our house … we started at planking for 15 seconds, I think, and are now up to about 52. Same with the wall sit … I do one a night, and I’m up to about 90 seconds. I hope it’s helping in some way, although the jury is still out on that!

Megan Byrd August 31, 2021 - 12:28 pm

I just heard “I Speak Jesus” for the first time recently myself. That sign is very cute and inspiring.

Lois Flowers September 1, 2021 - 7:47 pm

I love the sign too, Megan. The quote is by Tim Hawkins … he was talking about what it takes to be a comedian, but his words apply just as well to blogging!

Cindy Davis August 29, 2021 - 6:19 pm

I started the #75hard challenge to motivate me to get moving again. Then I got sick on day 5 and had to stop. Tomorrow I start over. One of the things that helped me to get up and get out on a daily walk was an excellent audio book! I am looking forward to “reading” while I walk tomorrow too 🙂 Thank you for choosing to find and dwell on the joys and all that is good. The world is extremely heavy right now, but taking time to appreciate and talk about the beauty brings light back into an otherwise dark world.

Lois Flowers August 30, 2021 - 8:29 am

Good to hear from you this week, Cindy. I’ve never heard of the #75hard challenge before you mentioned it. I just looked it up … it sounds like a good program but also one that requires a lot of diligence! Good luck with starting over. I’m glad audio books are helping you to keep moving … whatever it takes, right? 🙂 (I read books on my tablet when I’m on the treadmill and listen to music when I run outside.)

Kym August 28, 2021 - 8:30 pm

oh thank you so much for sharing that song – it’s beautiful. I’ve printed it for my worship team (which is my family!) to learn together. Your aunt looks darling – what a blessing to spend time with her!

Lois Flowers August 29, 2021 - 5:42 pm

My aunt is as darling as she looks, Kym. 🙂 I hope you and your family learning the song—it helps me worship while I’m running, which is definitely saying something!

Jennifer Smith August 28, 2021 - 4:37 pm

Happy Saturday! Such a nice trip…a blessing, I am sure! You will be treasuring those memories! (Reminds me of my dad’s 93-year-old sister that I need to visit!) I’ve never heard of that song (or the group) but I enjoyed the video – and shared it with some others who could use the reminder, too!! Thanks –

Lois Flowers August 29, 2021 - 5:41 pm

I’m so glad you enjoyed the song and were able to share it with others, Jennifer. Our world needs to hear the name of Jesus right now, don’t you think? Hugs, friend.

Theresa Boedeker August 28, 2021 - 4:08 pm

There is still joy to find! And we need to remind ourselves this. Like you, taking care of my flowers, watering and deadheading them brings me joy and creates a nice summer rhythm. I love stories about people farther down the road, like your aunt, who are still joyful and positive. That’s my long range goal. Cute sign.

Lois Flowers August 29, 2021 - 5:39 pm

That’s my long-range goal too, Theresa. 🙂 Her joy is definitely contagious!

Lydia C. Lee August 28, 2021 - 3:23 pm

I love the hat your aunt is wearing – she does indeed look joyful (and in great shape for her age!).
Great work on the running – little by little. #ShareFourSomethings

Lois Flowers August 29, 2021 - 5:38 pm

My aunt kept right up with me and my sister, Lydia … it was amazing! Thanks for stopping by this month!

Beth August 28, 2021 - 12:01 pm

I love that sign! Perfect for a writer. 🙂 Looks like a great month.

Lois Flowers August 29, 2021 - 5:37 pm

I love the sign too, Beth. The quote is from comedian Tim Hawkins … such a great writing strategy!

Jeanne Takenaka August 26, 2021 - 5:47 pm

Awww, Lois. I love the sweetness of your words in this post. What a special time you must have shared with your sister. And what a sweet opportunity to visit your aunt. I took a few moments to breathe as I read and enjoyed your photos, friend.

Lois Flowers August 27, 2021 - 7:21 pm

I’m glad this little post gave you a few moments to breathe, Jeanne. The trip with my sister was special … it was kind of last-minute, and I’m so glad we were able to make it happen! Hugs, friend.

Bethany McIlrath August 26, 2021 - 7:12 am

So much joy! Road trips with loved ones (to see loved ones) are so precious. I’m about to head on one of those too! Going to listen to the song now, I’ve haven’t heard of the band either. Keep running and reflecting and deadheading friend!

Lois Flowers August 27, 2021 - 7:20 pm

I hope you have a wonderful time on your road trip, Bethany. I think we need to catch up via email soon … 🙂

Joanne Viola August 25, 2021 - 6:07 am

Lois, I read and listened to the song yesterday and then forgot to tell you, “Thank You!!” for sharing the beautiful song! It played often yesterday! And your family picture is precious beyond words!

Lois Flowers August 27, 2021 - 7:19 pm

Aw … thanks, Joanne! I’m glad you listened to the song … it’s so powerful and comforting, isn’t it? ❤️

Linda Stoll August 24, 2021 - 8:21 pm

Dear Lois, thanks for the reminder to seek joy, to embrace it, even as we’re still and present with what’s happening in the world around us.

Family pictures mean more than ever, don’t they! I love this one you’ve shared today. Priceless.

Stay cool, friend …

Lois Flowers August 27, 2021 - 7:15 pm

I love the picture too, Linda. So many happy memories from that trip, for sure. Hugs, friend.

Barbara Harper August 24, 2021 - 11:39 am

That’s so important to remember–whatever is going on in the world or in our lives, God is not absent. I wonder if in heaven we’ll be let on some of His behind-the-scenes work.

What a wonderful family trip. I like your running strategy–manageable but still making progress.

Lois Flowers August 27, 2021 - 7:09 pm

That’s a good question about heaven, Barbara. I kind of hope that we’ll be given a glimpse behind the scenes … wouldn’t it be a blessing to see firsthand how God’s purposes were fulfilled in all of this? Until then, we walk by faith, one shaky step at a time. Hugs, friend.

Lisa Jordan August 24, 2021 - 10:01 am

I love your four things. Wonderful blessings you’ve experienced this month.

Lois Flowers August 27, 2021 - 7:05 pm

Thanks, Lisa. There have been rough patches in August, but the joys are still shining through!

Michele Morin August 24, 2021 - 8:25 am

Smiley eyes run in your family! ❤

Lois Flowers August 24, 2021 - 5:36 pm

Aw … thanks, Michele!
