This is the week that I usually link up with Heather Gerwing for a look at Something Loved, Read, Treasured and Ahead. This time, though—after a month that hasn’t really turned out how I expected—I decided to share four random (and probably obvious) somethings about life instead.
Simply putting these thoughts into words settled my soul; perhaps reading them will do the same for you.
1. God’s timing often frustrates our human hearts and minds. Right about now, for example, I’d love a step-by-step, daily plan of what’s going to happen—both to me and to my loved ones—in the coming months and years. It’s not so much the end of the story that I am concerned about, it’s the more immediate chapters.
If I know, I think, I can control it. But that’s ridiculous. “The secret things belong to God,” not to me. (Deuteronomy 29:29.) All I can do is pray for His will to be done and do my best to trust in His goodness, sovereignty and loving purposes. Which leads me to my next random something …
2. We never stop learning. How to accept help, what to do next time, how weak we really are, how to live one day at a time, what to do when we don’t know what to do—the list goes on and on. Some of these lessons have apparently turned into full-blown college degrees for me, and honestly, that’s sort of wearing me out right now.
3. The encouragement of friends who are a bit further down the path is life-giving and worth seeking out. Maybe it’s just me, but when I face some challenging new season—in parenting or marriage, for example—I tend to think that everyone else managed it perfectly the first time and, therefore, so will I. Nothing could be further from the truth, but I will never know this unless I share my struggles, questions and failures with someone else.
4. When life throws us off kilter (as it is prone to do, more and more as we get older) God is our rock, our fortress, our strength and our deliverer. As Isaiah 46:4 says, “I will be the same until your old age, and I will bear you up when you turn gray. I have made you, and I will carry you; I will bear and save you.”
• • •
Now it’s your turn. Whether July has been as restful or fun as you hoped or brought challenges you never saw coming, please share in the comments. Life lessons or four somethings—you pick.
♥ Lois
The encouragement of friends who are a bit further down the path is life-giving and worth seeking out. Share on X When life throws us off kilter, God is our rock, our fortress, our strength and our deliverer. Share on XP.S. I’m linking up this week with Share Four Somethings, #tellhisstory, InstaEncouragements, Recharge Wednesday, Let’s Have Coffee, #HeartEncouragement and Grace & Truth
These are such great points, Lois. I appreciate the first one especially, it’s silly that we think if we knew what was coming we could control it- but we do! (At least I do!) So much peace in knowing God knows and is actually in control, and will lead us one step at a time.
Bethany, it seems with every passing month, we have more and more opportunities to take one step at a time. Some of those steps are easier than others, for sure. And (at least for me) all of them require regular reminders that God is going before us. Hugs, friend.
Thanks for sharing these four somethings about life!
It was kind of an off month for me, Heather. Hopefully I’ll be back on track with the regular four somethings in August. 🙂
I love your four random things. When we stop learning, we stop living. I’m very blessed by the encouragement of friends and family this month as it has been quite challenging. Through it all, though, God remains faithful. I think I’m thankful for that most of all.
Lisa, I’m so glad your friends and family have provided much-needed encouragement during this challenging month. And I also hope that August brings winds of refreshment to your body and soul!
I find Isaiah 46:4 so comforting. No matter our age or abilities, He is there. I’m glad putting the thoughts into words ‘settled your soul.’
Thanks, Lynn. Writing seems to be especially cathartic right now, especially when it includes truth and perspective from scripture.
We never stop learning…Amen to that! I would have thought, at 60, I would pretty much know all there is to know. Ha! Sometimes, when I look at my reactions to life, I don’t think I’ve learned much at all. God is continually shaping, refining, and taking our faith to a deeper, more intimate level. We will never truly “arrive” this side of heaven and some days the process is wearisome. So thankful for a patient and loving Father. Keep running the race — you’re doing great!
Bev xx
Aw, Bev … thank you. And amen to every word, my friend. 🙂
I really identify with your four somethings. This has been a weird season of transition for me. I know and believe my primary identity is as a child of God, but the end of roles such as teacher and hands-on mother have left me feeling unmoored. I didn’t see these feelings coming and it has kind of knocked me on my butt some days. My anxious-prone self wants certainty, with its accompanying illusion of control, like you said in your first “something.” God is near as I figure out how to navigate this new season of life and also address my anxiety.
Aw, Lisa … I’m so sorry for the anxiety you’re experiencing. I can relate to how you’re feeling about this season of transition … I think I started feeling something similar when my older daughter went to college last fall. Now that daughter No. 2 is driving and becoming even more independent, those feelings have only intensified. What’s next, what do I need to do to prepare, how is the future going to look? I’m thankful with you that “God is near.” We’ll get through this … we will!
Amen to all these. I don’t think I want to know what’s ahead in order to control it–unless I am fooling myself. But there’s a certain security in knowing what to expect, in being able to prepare for it mentally. But God wants my security to be in Him, not the plan (hence your last point). I remember at one point in my adult Christian life thinking, “You know, I should have this down by now.” But you’re right–we’ll always be learning and growing til we get to heaven.
Barbara, isn’t it encouraging to see much older people who are still willing to learn, grow and change? I hope that’s how I am too … 🙂
Amen – especially number three. Encouragement – especially in the form of friends who have already walked the path we are navigating – is a gift…and why do I always assume that they, and others, did so with perfect skill, grace and amazing wisdom!!?
Yep, I’m right there with you, Jennifer. Maybe now’s a good time for both of us to stop doing that! 🙂
Nodding my head in agreement with your 4 things, and I think it’s going to be a while before I have fully processed all the July happenings here. Lots of goodness and lots to adjust to.
Seems like life is like that more and more, Michele … “lots of goodness and lots to adjust to.” Which makes me even more grateful for the gift of writing, which definitely helps with all the processing …
These are all great lessons. I especially relate to the first one, and to the thought that if we know, we can control it. It is an ongoing lesson to let go of that and to trust God even when we don’t understand his ways or his timing.
It’s comforting to know I’m not alone in this, Lesley. I’m thankful that God is patient as we learn and relearn throughout our lives. 🙂
All four of these are a big “yes” for me, too, Lois. Life is a constant education. I too often think as well that if I can just know something ahead of time, or really understand what is going on now, I’ll be able to keep it all under control. But nope. Still can’t control things. lol. Trusting God daily is a lifelong lesson for me.
Me too, Lisa. 🙂 Just when I think I’m in a groove, something happens to push me out. But maybe that’s a good thing, because it reminds us how reliant we are on Him. One day at a time, right? 🙂
Praying for you this morning, Lois. May you rest in the assurance that even though July was not as you had hoped or planned, God had reason and purpose in it. “We never stop learning.” I’m learning this to be true almost every day. So many unknowns and uncertainties. But they are all known by Him and He will teach us and guide us. May we have hearts willing to keep on learning.
Thank you for your comforting words, Joanne. It’s so encouraging to remember all the unknowns are known by our sovereign God. Hugs, friend.