Share Four Somethings: June 2021

by Lois Flowers

Every time I start one of these monthly posts, my first inclination is to go on about how fast the last four weeks have gone. It’s true, every time. Maybe even more so in the summer.

Here in Kansas, we’ve already had one heat wave, followed by a cooler spell. The rain came back last week, but more always makes me happy. (And all the other Midwestern gardeners said “amen.”)

I’ve been spending time at the library almost every day, slowly working my way through all the writing I did over the last several months in hopes that an outline will emerge from all the words. I don’t hate what I’m reading, so that’s encouraging.

Both girls have just left for their restaurant jobs, leaving me with some rare moments at home alone. Seems like a good opportunity to jot down some thoughts for this month’s Share Four Somethings linkup (graciously hosted by Heather Gerwing).

• Something Loved

Last month I told you about my plans to stretch my creative limits and buy more than red impatiens for my flower pots. (I wrote about this so I would actually do it, by the way. Accountability and all that.)

I still bought some red impatiens (seems I just can’t help myself), but that’s not all. I also got verbena and petunias, in red, white and purple. (I have a patriotic friend in Arkansas who always put these colors in her planters, and the result was always very festive.)

I didn’t go all crazy with the spillers and thrillers, but I still branched out. As far as I’m concerned, that’s progress.

I’m loving the results so far, and I’m crossing my fingers that the Japanese beetles I’ve seen here and there focus on other vegetation besides what they might find growing in my flower pots.

• Something Read (or Heard)

I have several books I want to write about in the coming weeks, but this month, I want to share a helpful sermon I heard at my church recently. The passage for the week was Philippians 4:4-9, and the message was titled “Joy in Practicing Joy.”

Speaking as someone who says he has “always dealt with mild depression,” Pastor Nathan Miller offers practical tips about how to develop three “habits of joy”—“tell God what you need” (prayer), “thank Him for what He’s done” (gratitude), and “think about what you’re thinking about.”

If you or someone you know struggles with anxiety or depression—or would simply like to live a more joy-filled life—I have a feeling you might find encouragement in Nathan’s words. Here are a few quotes to pique your interest:

“Fighting anxiety without prayer is like training for a marathon without running. Make a plan this week to build this habit into your life.”

“How much time do we spend filling our minds with that which makes us miserable? What we fill our minds with has a direct impact on our joy. We may not be able to choose joy, but we have some choice over what we think about and over what we allow to enter our minds.”

“You don’t have to know about every bad thing that happens in the world. You don’t have to. That is not your job, that’s actually God’s job. And when we try to take over from His job, it will destroy us. It is His job to know, and it is His job to act.”

The link includes the entire June 6 service at Christ Community Church in Olathe, Kan. The sermon begins at the 25-minute mark and lasts about 35 minutes.

Watch here:

• Something Treasured

My college roommate and her large family came through town a few weekends ago. They stopped at our house for the night, and—like they always do—made themselves right at home.

We ate together—a big bowl of pasta with my mom’s Italian sauce and a pile of chocolate chip cookies from the Magnolia Table cookbook that were (unfortunately) as flat as pancakes but still disappeared in record time.

The kids swam and watched a movie in the home theater, the husbands (who were also roommates in college) caught up in the living room, and my friend and I went outside to talk by the pool when it was light and didn’t make it back inside until the sun went down and the bats were swooping nearby.

Now more than ever, time with friends who are like family is sheer joy.

• Something Ahead

After much thought (and many “dates unavailable” messages at resorts in various tourist destinations), we finally made some plans for a summer vacation. We’re not going far, but we will have a week away before Lilly goes back to college in August.

I’m looking forward to the change of scenery, and the girls? Well, they’re apparently looking forward to the TV dinners.

We were in the frozen food aisle at Wal-Mart the other day, just passing by the individual entree section, when they started exclaiming about how we always get TV dinners on vacation and how much fun it is to go the store and pick them out. Each of us gets our own thing, and of course, no two dinners are ever the same.

We also go out to eat and bring ingredients from home to turn into meals, so it’s not like we only eat TV dinners when we’re away. Apparently, though, this little thing that “we always do” on vacation is a memorable experience for them, so you better believe that our upcoming trip will include at least one supper that consists of TV dinners from Wal-Mart.

• • •

Now it’s your turn. Have you tried something this summer that turned out better than you expected? Watched or read something that made a deep impression on your heart or mind? Or do you have a favorite vacation tradition that seems simple but means a lot? Please share in the comments, along with any other thoughts that might line up with #ShareFourSomethings.


I didn’t go all crazy with the spillers and thrillers in my flower pots this year, but I still branched out. As far as I’m concerned, that’s progress. Share on X Now more than ever, time with friends who are like family is sheer joy. Share on X

P.S. I’m linking up this week with Share Four Somethings, #tellhisstory, InstaEncouragements, Recharge Wednesday, Let’s Have Coffee, #HeartEncouragement and Grace & Truth

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Susan Shipe July 7, 2021 - 7:07 am

Your pots are lovely and the Japanese beetles seem to be plaguing every state this year. Hubs and I are learning to “camp” rather than “travel.” It’s been an arduous experience. To be in one spot for 2-3 days. But, we are learning!

Lois Flowers July 7, 2021 - 8:06 am

I enjoy keeping up with your adventures on Instagram, Susan. Good luck learning to camp. 😊

Heather Gerwing July 6, 2021 - 3:36 pm

Oh my, how fun that you and your roommate married roommates!! Also, I love the TV dinner on vacation tradition!

Lois Flowers July 7, 2021 - 8:03 am

Me too, Heather! 😊

Lydia C. Lee July 5, 2021 - 4:28 pm

Those flowers are beautiful! So joyful! I like the Share Four Somethings link up too.

Lois Flowers July 9, 2021 - 6:04 pm

Thanks, Lydia. Good to hear from you this week!

Lisa notes July 4, 2021 - 5:53 pm

I love your colorful impatiens. I *thought* I bought all white ones for the pots on my porch, but there is a random red one that must have inadvertently made it into a white 6-pack. 🙂 How fun to have your college roommate and family stay at your home for the night! I’m guessing it was quite a loud event. lol. We haven’t planned a summer vacation yet; it may be too late now.

Lois Flowers July 5, 2021 - 4:47 pm

What fun to have a red outlier in your white pots, Lisa! Yes, the visit with our friends was a lively one … just how we like it. 🙂 (Although now that I think about, there wasn’t near as much running around as there used to be when all the kids were younger!)

Bethany McIlrath July 4, 2021 - 7:44 am

Such cool “four things”! I haven’t had a chance to listen to the sermon yet, but the part you’ve quoted is so impactful, especially us not trying to do God’s job! Your flowers look beautiful, praise the Lord for friends who are like family, and hooray for frozen TV dinners and vacation! Now the big question- which TV dinner is your go-to??

Lois Flowers July 5, 2021 - 4:45 pm

Hmmm … that’s a good question, Bethany. Honestly, I can’t remember what I choose … I think it’s something different each time. Probably in the “protein bowl” or Asian category. No Hungry Man meals for me! If you have a chance to listen to the sermon, I’d love to know what you think. And a belated happy 4th to you and Matt. 🙂

Donna July 3, 2021 - 5:11 pm

Enjoyed hearing about your month, Lois! Your flower pots are fabulous! I am totaly flower pot challenged-Red Geraniums, a few white vinca and I call it a day. You have inspired me to try something different! So far what’s turned out better than expected is our blueberry bushes! They have produced oodles of berries this year and so far the birds haven’t noticed!

Lois Flowers July 5, 2021 - 4:43 pm

Dona, I’m so glad your blueberry bushes are producing well, and even happier that the birds are staying away! Your flower pots sound lovely … I think I tried geraniums when we lived in Arkansas but not since we moved to Kansas. Maybe next year? 🙂

Tea With Jennifer July 2, 2021 - 8:11 pm

A lovely month for your family Lois. It’s winter here in Australia so lots of hot cuppas & delicious treats indoors. We’ve also had copious amounts of rain!
You’re most welcome to join me in a cuppa at Tea With Jennifer 🤗
Bless you,

Lois Flowers July 5, 2021 - 4:41 pm

Aw, winter! I can imagine the hot cuppas and delicious treats indoors, Jennifer! Stay warm and dry!

Maryleigh June 30, 2021 - 9:53 am

What a sweet month! I love your idea of t.v. dinners on vacation! In TN, our weather pattern is very different – we go from hot to cold like a bouncing ball for now! June is our birthday month so I don’t feel very Summer Vacationy until July! I am looking forward to catching my breath in July! LOL I loved your flowers and hope the beetles stay away!

Lois Flowers July 5, 2021 - 4:40 pm

Maryleigh, the beetles are definitely here but so far, not causing too much damage! I hope this month is full of good, deep breaths for you, my friend. 🙂

Jeanne Takenaka June 29, 2021 - 4:36 pm

Lois, your post evokes so many thoughts. I have to say, it truly is the little things our kids remember about vacation, isn’t it? TV dinners . . . I love it. This past month has been pretty stressful for our family. In all honesty, I am continually reminding myself that God’s got us. He’s working in each uncertain situation. He’s trustworthy. When I become overwhelmed by all the things, I’m working to come back to these truths. I read Stay With Me, by Becky Wade. It’s a wonderful story. And Facing the Dawn, by Cynthia Ruchti got me thinking, amid laughter and tears throughout the story.

Lois Flowers July 5, 2021 - 4:39 pm

Oh, Jeanne … the truths about God you shared are so comforting. He goes before us and is with us. I can’t imagine life without those anchors. I enjoyed Stay with Me too, and actually have the next book in the series on my hope chest waiting to be read. 🙂 Praying for you, my friend …

Barbara Harper June 29, 2021 - 4:16 pm

Your flowers look so pretty!

I have a tendency to start my end-of-month posts, as well as my Christmas letters, with some reference to how fast time is passing. It seems like it gets faster all the time.

Funny what things “make” special times for kids. Sometimes mine will mention something that I hadn’t even thought much about.

What a great time with the college roommates! Glad you all had that opportunity.

That’s true that we tend to park our minds on problems or things that bug or discourage us instead of God’s blessings.

Lois Flowers July 5, 2021 - 4:22 pm

Barbara, I know what you mean about time passing faster and faster all the time. I wonder … is there a point, perhaps when we’re much older, when the days will start to slow down again? I guess we’ll find out, huh? 🙂

Lesley June 29, 2021 - 2:38 pm

I’m glad you had such a great time with your friends. It is wonderful to catch up with people we haven’t seen in a while. And I hope you enjoy your trip and the TV dinners! I appreciate the quotes you shared from the sermon too.

Lois Flowers July 5, 2021 - 4:20 pm

Lesley, our trip is actually at the beginning of August, but I can assure you I am already looking forward to it (TV dinners and all)!

Jennifer Goodwin June 29, 2021 - 7:03 am

What a sweet reunion all of you had with your friends! The older I get, the more thankful I am for friendships that the Lord has blessed me with. It’s rare to have lifelong friends that are a couple- and we have a couple of those as well. How fortunate we are! As far as trying something, I am trying out reading on a Kindle and even though I love actual books, I am really LOVING reading on my new Kindle! The backlight is so nice and I love that I can adjust the font size. I’m shocked that I love it so much! It’s nice to “meet” you!

Lois Flowers July 5, 2021 - 4:19 pm

Hi Jennifer … I’m glad you’re enjoying your Kindle. I experienced something similar when I switched from reading actual books while running on the treadmill to reading library books on my iPad. I didn’t think I would like it at all, but I got used to it surprisingly fast! And yes, lifelong couple friends are indeed a huge blessing! 🙂

Rachel Masters June 28, 2021 - 6:09 pm

Thanks for treasuring us… and expecting so little in return. As you know, I’m wiped out this year, and your little gifts to me are filling my tank. Blessings on you all!!!

Lois Flowers July 5, 2021 - 4:16 pm

Aw, Rachel … it was so wonderful to spend time with you, as always. Wish it could have been longer, but that just makes me look forward to the next time even more. 🙂

Mary McCully June 28, 2021 - 12:41 pm

Dearest Lois and Family,

There could not have been a more meaningful and timely Blog from you for me to hold close to my heart. Two weeks ago, I had a pacemaker implant. There are positive adjustments one’s body has and one that I have had is with a certain amount of anxiety.

By Friday, I was asking God to remove my anxiety and point me in the right direction to overcome the anxiety. Bill came home on Saturday AM from working in Colorado and the healing began. Then, when I opened your message, it was affirmation that I was seeing that which was possible to ensure me of His Grace and Affection.

I had a great big smile as I read about your red, white and blue flowers and a friend who always planted them. If I might be that person or not, it simply drew me to precious memories of you and your family. (I am going to send you my latest picture.)

Your beautiful July 4 dishes that you gifted me with through times of my being with your girls are setting out, waiting to be used once again. They are treasured by me because of the warm and precious memories they hold.

Our lives continue to be apart but together. I grieved along with you with the passing of your parents and the wings Lily spread by studying this past year at JBU; then, the laughter I experienced with your story of Molly learning to drive!

TV dinners, simple pleasures of memories held close to your hearts, old friends being welcomed into your loving home…beautifully scripted.

Lastly, I do not know if you know that my very favorite word is JOY! Now that message from your old pastor was perfect for this AM bible study time. I have already sent a note to 3 of my closest friends who live afar but text almost every day as a group. They know of “my word”.
They are now reading my newest definition added to others:
“Deep long lasting friendship is what we share that continues to be a source of JOY to us.”

Be blessed beyond measure today, Lois, as I have been.

Lois Flowers July 5, 2021 - 4:14 pm

Mary, it was so wonderful to hear from you this past week. I’m not sure I knew that joy is your favorite word but I’m not surprised! Yes, you are the friend I wrote about who planted the red, white and blue flowers. 🙂 I think of you whenever I’m outside watering and deadheading … so many cherished memories from those years when we lived near each other. I hope your anxiety continues to decrease as your body adjusts to the pacemaker. I’m sorry that’s been a side effect but hope the overall result has been good for your health. Much love to you and Bill … I look forward to the next time we are in NWA and are able to stop by for a visit. 🙂

Jennifer Smith June 28, 2021 - 11:31 am

TV dinners and vacations – what a great memory! And isn’t it amazing the things that apparently equaled fun and amazing!?!:) Who knew all it took was some tv dinners:) Your pots look amazing. Ours are looking a little “done” and in need of a refresh – yours are the perfect inspiration. Maybe I can get them done before this weekend!!:)

Thanks for the sermon link. Will definitely be listening –

Lois Flowers July 5, 2021 - 3:56 pm

I’m glad my pots inspired you, Jennifer. Were you able to get yours done before the weekend? 🙂 The good thing about gardening is that it’ll keep … whatever we don’t get done one weekend will just be waiting for us the next! (Trust me, I keep my flower beds waiting much longer than necessary quite often!) And here’s to easy and unexpected vacation traditions!

Megan Byrd June 28, 2021 - 11:14 am

It’s so fun to see what little things mean so much to our kids. Enjoy your time at the beach! Very glad you were able to catch up with old friends.

Lois Flowers July 5, 2021 - 3:53 pm

Me too, Megan! I hope you had a nice 4th of July. 🙂

Lisa Jordan June 28, 2021 - 8:10 am

Your flowers are beautiful. Way to go for staying accountable to yourself! I’m so glad you found sheer joy in spending quality time with your family.

Lois Flowers July 5, 2021 - 3:52 pm

Thanks, Lisa! Happy Fourth to you and your family (just one day late)!

Linda Stoll June 28, 2021 - 8:04 am

Your pastor’s words are so wise, Lois. It’s usually not ’til we’ve experienced the pit ’til we can fully empathize and speak truth and hope into those dark places.

So much food for thought …

Lois Flowers July 5, 2021 - 3:52 pm

I agree, Linda. My pastor’s references to his struggles with depression and anxiety always add a layer of understanding in his sermons.

Joanne Viola June 28, 2021 - 7:07 am

Lois, I had to laugh a the TV dinners. When my kids were little, TV dinners were their treat for hot summer nights when my husband was going to be late getting home. They loved going to the supermarket to pick their treat. And of course, it was a treat for me as I did not need to cook 🙂

Lois Flowers July 5, 2021 - 3:45 pm

What a great idea for parents of young kids, Joanne. And of course, not having to cook makes it even better! 🙂

Karen Friday June 28, 2021 - 6:40 am

Enjoyed your 4 somethings, Lois. Flowers are so pretty and neat your friend and family were able to visit. But “joy in praciticing joy” really stood out to me.

Lois Flowers July 5, 2021 - 3:44 pm

Me too, Karen. It was such good, practical message!
