Share Four Somethings: November 2020

by Lois Flowers

It’s been a month, hasn’t it? I don’t know about you, but many of the hopes and plans I had at the beginning of November have not come to fruition. Not the way I envisioned they would, anyway.

But we keep plugging away, don’t we? We keep pivoting and revising and casting our burdens on the Lord. We light candles and take walks and rake leaves. We keep leaning in to our heavenly Father, even as we wonder what on earth He’s actually up to in this confusing world of ours.

The good news for us in the waning weeks of 2020 is that God knows what He’s doing, even though we don’t. His plans and purposes—whatever they are—will prevail. We can’t be sure of much else, but we can be certain of that.

It’s like someone (perhaps John Lennon) once said, “Everything will be okay in the end. If it’s not okay, it’s not the end.”

In the meantime, counting our blessings is always a good coping strategy. And this week of Thanksgiving seems like a fitting time to join Heather Gerwing in sharing something loved, something learned, something treasured and something ahead.

• Something Loved

Two songs come to mind. Both relate to God’s goodness, and both have been on replay in my mind and in my kitchen.

If you need some help getting into the Thanksgiving spirit, these musical offerings just might point you in the right direction:

Song in My Soul” by Phil Wickham and Hollyn

Evidence” by Josh Baldwin

Happy listening!

• Something Learned (instead of Something Read, just this once)

It seems that turning 50 is a process, especially in 2020. I thought my birthday would just come and go and I’d settle into life in this new decade without much soul searching. Turns out, the big day and a few unrelated events that followed sort of thrust me into a period of questioning what I’m doing, what’s next and how I’m going to figure it all out. (See Something Ahead below for more on this.)

I’ve heard that a woman’s 50s are a wonderfully empowering phase of life, but I’m guessing it’s like anything else—it doesn’t happen overnight. Stay tuned … I’m fairly certain I’ll be returning to this topic in the near future.

• Something Treasured

I keep coming back to this one, month after month. Without discounting all the sad and awful parts of 2020, one huge blessing has been time spent with my girls—on the phone or FaceTime with Lilly and in person with Molly. Sometimes I think I need to be more intentional about what we are actually doing or talking about. Mostly, though, just being in the same room, or over the same wavelength, is enough.

• Something Ahead

Maybe you can relate when I say this category is a tough one. Lilly is scheduled to come home from college today, and we’ll celebrate Thanksgiving in a few days. Christmas decorations will go up soon, the girls will see to that.

Beyond that, though, I don’t know what’s ahead. For me, for our family, for the country or the world.

I’m feeling this very deeply right now, and I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t bothering me. But feelings aren’t truth. So as I wade through this emotional morass—and mentally struggle to hold my expectations loosely—I’m asking that God would send His light and His truth to guide me. (Psalm 43:3)

I’m frequently reminding myself of the promise in my favorite Bible verse: “The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” (Deuteronomy 31:8)

And I’m trying to focus on doing the next right thing, not the thing that may or may not be four or five steps down the sidewalk.

• • •

What has November been like for you? Do you have a bit of counsel for someone who has just turned 50 or perhaps a favorite song that inspires gratitude in your heart? If so, please share in the comments. And while you’re at it, feel free to add your own Four Somethings to the conversation.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!


We keep plugging away, don’t we? We light candles and take walks and rake leaves. We keep leaning in to our heavenly Father, even as we wonder what on earth He’s actually up to in this confusing world of ours. Share on X The good news for us in the waning weeks of 2020 is that God knows what He’s doing, even though we don’t. Share on X

P.S. I’m linking up this week with #ShareFourSomethings#TellHisStory, InstaEncouragementsLet’s Have Coffee and Grace & Truth.

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Heather Gerwing December 1, 2020 - 2:27 pm

So, last year “something learned” used to be one of the categories in Share Four Somethings, so you are totally fine in doing a switchout! Glad to have you!

Lois Flowers December 6, 2020 - 7:17 pm

Heather, I used to do a “What I Learned …” post every quarter, so I still tend to think like that sometimes. I’m glad to know there’s room for variation with the Four Somethings linkup! 🙂

Lesley November 30, 2020 - 1:07 pm

I hope you enjoyed Thanksgiving! I agree, it’s so hard to look ahead right now. It’s comforting to know that God goes with us and he sees the path ahead. I love the quote, and it’s in the movie “The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel” but I don’t know it originated there or if someone else (like John Lennon) said it first!

Lois Flowers November 30, 2020 - 4:30 pm

Hi Lesley … Thanksgiving was quiet but good. 🙂 Now that you mention it, have I seen that quote on your blog too? I feel like I have! 🙂

Lesley December 6, 2020 - 3:05 pm

Yes, I think it might have been in last month’s Share Four Somethings. I definitely quoted it recently!

Megan Byrd November 30, 2020 - 8:46 am

It has certainly been hard having to cancel plans with family because of covid. It can be disheartening if we let it, but I’m trying hard to find the joys and blessings that exist. I don’t know anything about the 50’s decade as I’m coming up on 40. Any advice on that decade is welcome. 🙂

Lois Flowers November 30, 2020 - 4:28 pm

Good to hear from you, Megan! I wrote a post a while back about this very subject if you want to check it out. Here’s a link:
I hope you are able to find lots of blessings in the weeks leading up to Christmas. 🙂

Kym November 29, 2020 - 8:01 pm

Turning 50 hit me harder than I had been expecting, and yes I think it is a process of becoming. Last year my youngest child graduated high school and as a homeschool mom, that hit me even harder because it felt like I’d been cut loose from my purpose and part of my social circle. And unlike other professions, there’s not a retirement party and recognition for your years of service! 😉 What I’ve learned – am still learning – is that God isn’t finished with me in any sense, so I can embrace who I am and what he’s doing in me now.

Enjoyed meeting you through Share Four Somethings and look forward to getting to know you more!

Lois Flowers November 30, 2020 - 4:22 pm

Aw, Kym … I can relate to those feelings of being cut loose from your purpose. I started feeling that way last year when my parents passed away after I had been very involved in their lives and care for a few years. All the weirdness of this year hasn’t helped much with that, and now here we are! But yes, it’s comforting to know that God isn’t finished with us and still has plenty for us to do and become in the future. 🙂

Kelly R. Smith November 29, 2020 - 2:18 pm

I agree, the unknown is unsettling. I love what you share here–feelings aren’t truth. That is a great reminder as I try to navigate my jumbled up hope and uncertainty.

Lois Flowers November 30, 2020 - 4:18 pm

I’m right with you, Kelly. I hope you have a good holiday season despite all the uncertainty.

Racheal Hoaglan November 28, 2020 - 1:40 pm

I LOVE your something learned! I’m looking at 45 in a month, and I’m hoping to learn as well …

Lois Flowers November 28, 2020 - 4:48 pm

Good to hear from you this month, Racheal! Happy early birthday to you … I hope 45 is a wonderful year for you! 🙂

Laurie November 26, 2020 - 8:10 am

I love that John Lennon (?) quote, Lois. It speaks to the hope we feel as Christians. I had trouble with the “Something Ahead” section of my 4 somethings post last month too. With the pandemic, I just can’t look too far ahead. I didn’t write a 4 Somethings post this month. How did I miss that? As someone who has been through her 50s, I must say it was a decade where I learned a lot about myself. I actually did feel as though I came into my own in my 50s more than any other decade. Patience, friend. Sometimes you have to look back on a period of time to make sense of what was happening in your life. You will figure it out!

Lois Flowers November 28, 2020 - 4:44 pm

Aw, Laurie … I always love the perspective you bring to the conversation. Thanks for your encouragement … I guess I need to take the advice I always give my college girl … “you don’t have to figure it all out today!” Happy end of November to you, my friend.

Paula Short November 25, 2020 - 7:40 pm

Well I won’t be 50 until next summer, So I’ll have to hold that thought for now. A favorite song that almost brings me to tears, and has on a few occasions, that always be stills gratitude in me is. This Is Amazing Grace by: Phil Wickham. This song makes my heart dance at what Jesus has done for us. Blessings.

Lois Flowers November 28, 2020 - 4:42 pm

Aw, Paula … I love anything by Phil Wickham (can you tell?) but “This is Amazing Grace” has long been a favorite for me too. Enjoy your last months of your 40s! 🙂

Jennifer Smith November 25, 2020 - 1:08 pm

“….but feelings aren’t truth” I’m holding onto that phrase. So many feelings and such deep feelings for me lately. They can really get me in a tailspin! I need that reminder.

I hope you have a wonderful time with your college girl home – what fun!!

Lois Flowers November 28, 2020 - 4:41 pm

Thanks, Jennifer! I’m so glad she made it through her first college semester without having to quarantine, and it is wonderful to have her home for a while. And I hear you about those deep feelings—they’re exhausting, aren’t they? 🙂

Bethany McIlrath November 25, 2020 - 11:19 am

Ps: the font looks different…I like it!! Hope the blog updates are going well!

Lois Flowers November 28, 2020 - 4:39 pm

Hey, thanks for noticing! It’s a whole new theme, but very similar to the old one (on purpose—I like what I like) except that everything works better. 🙂

Bethany McIlrath November 25, 2020 - 11:18 am

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your’s, Lois! It tends to strike me too, when milestones arrive, that change doesn’t happen over night. Praise God He is with us through the process- and probably that change tends to take time because I’m not sure how we would do if it was overnight! I’ll be praying for you and glad to continue reading about your thoughts and journey ahead. Thankful you are getting time with your girls and eager to go listen to these songs- both new to me. The Secret Place by Phil Wickham, Family by Drew Holcomb, and Thanksgiving song by Ben Rector are on my playlist a lot these days!

Lois Flowers November 28, 2020 - 4:38 pm

Thanks for for sharing a bit of your playlist, Bethany. I will definitely check out those songs. And I’m thankful too, that these milestone-induced changes are gradual … overnight changes are much more traumatic (at least for me), even when they are good changes! Hugs, friend!

Tea With Jennifer November 24, 2020 - 7:03 pm

To answer your question Lois, November has turned into leaning heavily into God’s love & peace as we face a double traumatic turn off events for two of our loved ones!

Lois Flowers November 30, 2020 - 4:54 pm

I’m so sorry, Jennifer. There’s no good time of year to have such things happen, but having them transpire as the holidays are approaching is especially hard. Praying for God’s peace and love to surround your heart even as I type, my friend.

Michele Morin November 24, 2020 - 6:26 pm

Is it time once again for 4 Somethings? This is such a season of suspended animation. So grateful for insights you share and you thoughtful perspective on the whole panorama.

Lois Flowers November 28, 2020 - 4:35 pm

Michele, I know what you mean about suspended animation … I feel like I’ve lost all sense and track of time this year! I hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving with your family. 🙂

Jeanne Takenaka November 24, 2020 - 2:43 pm

Awww, Lois, this post . . . speaks to my heart. One of my highlights this year has been some wonderful conversations with my sons and husband. We’ve definitely had to stretch and be flexible with a lot. I’ve learned to seek God more, especially for the little things. I’m coming to Him with more unanswered questions. But, when everything else swirls out of control, we can know our Father holds us in the palm of His hands.

I’ve read a ton of books this year, mostly through the app, Libby, which reads some books to me. One of my favorites of the year was Lindsay Harrel’s Secrets of Paper and Ink. I absolutely loved that one, as well as The Next Right Thing, by Emily Freeman.

I’ve loved laughing with my boys and our animated dinnertime conversations. I guess this is one of my treasured things too. And for what’s ahead . . . looking at my oldest’s senior year and trying to encourage him to walk it out well, even though it looks so different from what he imagined. I know you can relate to that one!

Lois Flowers November 28, 2020 - 4:32 pm

“Walk it out well.” Oh Jeanne … that is such a good goal for your senior son, as well as the rest of us. 🙂 I can’t help but hope that God will use what our children are experiencing now—as unexpected and disappointing as it often is—to help shape them into the kind of people He wants them to be as adults. You know I’m right with you when it comes to stretching and trusting … God knows what we moms need too, doesn’t He?

Like you, I’ve loved those dinnertime conversations—with all four of us and also with just three when Lilly is at school. The Next Right Thing was one of my favorite books from last year, and now you have me curious about Secrets of Paper and Ink … 🙂 I hope your family had a lovely Thanksgiving and that December has all the moments of rest and joy your heart desires.

Barbara Harper November 24, 2020 - 2:32 pm

There was a lot I liked about my fifties. It’s not technically middle age–unless we live to be 100. But it felt like a bridge between youth and–well, I’m not conceding old age yet, but getting older.

When this pandemic first started, I hoped God would use it for good. And I am sure He has–He promises to work all things together for good. I know many churches in the US and abroad found people listening to their live-streamed services that they had never seen before. Especially in countries that aren’t as open to the gospel, that was a blessing. I wrote a post early on about things I was thankful for during the pandemic–I guess I need to go back and revisit it. It just seems now like it’s causing more harm than good, and I am praying God will take it away soon even as I trust He’s still using it in unseen ways.

Meanwhile, like you say, we just keep on step by step. We don’t know what’s ahead, but we just take the next step that seems clear.

BTW I like being able to see the comments now!

Lois Flowers November 28, 2020 - 9:27 am

Barbara, I’m starting to understand what you mean about that “bridge between youth and—well …” 🙂 I also share your feelings about the pandemic—-“How long, Lord,” seems to be a common lament about now. There’s comfort in knowing that HE knows the answer, but it’s hard to wait and see how the next months will play out, isn’t it? And about those comments … YES!! I switched themes and now they are working properly. I much prefer words to techie stuff, but I’m trying to learn. 🙂

Linda Stoll November 24, 2020 - 10:51 am

Thanks for the lighting candles link, friend!

I featured one of your post in my last article. Your offerings are sure hitting home for me in this season.

As ever.

Thanksgiving joy to you, friend …

Lois Flowers November 28, 2020 - 9:22 am

I loved your lighting-candles post, Linda. You and your family are in my prayers … I hope your holiday season is full of comfort and joy. 🙂

Rebecca Hastings November 24, 2020 - 8:08 am

The not-knowing what is ahead has always been there, but all the things of 2020 have brought it all to the surface, haven’t they? As uncomfortable as that is for me, I’m learning that if I know Him, that is enough. (it’s a process!)
Happy Thanksgiving!

Lois Flowers November 28, 2020 - 8:45 am

I’m learning that same lesson, Rebecca. (And yes, it’s also uncomfortable for me.) No matter what happens in the world, God is all-sufficient. So good to hear from you this week, my friend.

Mary Geisen November 24, 2020 - 7:49 am

Thank you for this sweet end of the month routine of reflection. It’s nice to have this normal in the middle of the uncertain. I’m going to check out the songs you listed. Worship music keeps me going. Happy Thanksgiving.

Lois Flowers November 28, 2020 - 8:43 am

I hear you about “normal in the middle fo the uncertain,” Mary. There was no way I was skipping Share Four Somethings this month! And I’m with you … worship music definitely keeps me going too. Hugs, friend.

Lisa notes November 24, 2020 - 6:37 am

Thanks for sharing these songs. I’ve opened up both in tabs and am listening to Song in My Soul right now.

I agree that the 50s are a wonderfully empowering phase of life! It definitely brought some major soul-searching and life-changes for me…all good things. We made a major church change, I discovered lots of new volunteer opportunities, and became Granna. Hoping it will do the same for you. Have a blessed Thanksgiving with your family, Lois. I join you in praying for our country, too, and that divisions will be mended sooner rather than later. It’s really bothering me too. 🙁

Lois Flowers November 28, 2020 - 8:42 am

I appreciate your thoughts about your 50s so much, Lisa. I guess what I’m realizing is that there likely are good things in store, but the way there isn’t necessarily going to be easy! As with most things, it’s comforting to hear encouraging words from others who are a bit further down the path. 🙂

Bev @ Walking Well With God November 24, 2020 - 6:31 am

I share your feelings when I look ahead. I don’t know what to expect, but love the scripture you quoted that reminds me that God goes before us. As long as that keeps happening, which it will, we don’t need to be afraid. It has forced us to take life one step at a time instead of leaping ahead on the calendar. Maybe this is one of the best lessongs to be learned in this season. May you have a peace-filled Thanksgiving!
Bev xx

Lois Flowers November 28, 2020 - 8:39 am

Bev, I totally agree that being forced “to take life one step at a time instead of leaping ahead on the calendar” is a huge lesson from this season, and a blessing too. God’s creativity extends to the methods He uses to teach us these important truths, doesn’t it? Hugs, friend.

Wemi Omotosho November 24, 2020 - 6:21 am

I agree Lois, one of the big positives of this year has been more family time. Praying that God will guide you into His plans as you look ahead. x

Lois Flowers November 28, 2020 - 8:36 am

Thanks so much, Wemi. A blessed holiday season to you and yours, my friend. 🙂
