Share Four Somethings: November 2021

by Lois Flowers

There are months that go by in a blur, and so far, November has been one of them.

I say this every time, but it’s hard to believe it’s already time to link up with Heather Gerwing for another Share Four Somethings post. But here we are, so let’s proceed.

• Something Loved

I’ve written quite a bit about losing my parents these last few years. Now, somewhat unexpectedly—or at least sooner than expected—we’ve had to say good-bye to Randy’s dad too.

Biff was a North Dakotan, through and through. He was solid, kind, salt-of-the-earth. He was a wonderful husband and grandfather, a good dad and dad-in-law, a gentle and generous friend. It warms my heart to look through all of the pictures of him with my girls—playing, fishing, reading, talking.

His short-but-courageous battle with cancer is over. We take comfort in knowing he’s with Jesus and that we’ll see him again someday. But it’s still hard to imagine the world without Grandpa Biff.

• Something Heard

With Thanksgiving coming up, it seems fitting to share a couple of songs that have been a great encouragement to me over the last several weeks—”Weary Traveler” by Jordan St. Cyr, and “Rejoice” by Andrew Ripp. I hope you’ll listen and be encouraged too.

• Something Treasured

Somewhere in all the boxes of my parents’ stuff, I found a picture of my family that I’d never seen before. It was of my parents and my five older siblings, in a cemetery. The littlest girl, my sister Ruth, had her back to whoever was taking the picture. My parents were looking down, and my brothers were grimacing into bright sunlight.

Something must have happened during the development of the photograph because half of it is faded nearly to white. Quality wise, it’s not a good picture. To me, though, it was an amazing find because it shows my mom pregnant. With me.

I’m the sixth of seven children. There are very few actual photos of me when I was a baby, and even fewer of me as a child. My dad took a lot of slides, so I’m in all the slides of the entire family. But as far as pictures of me in scrapbooks, there aren’t many. And as far as pictures of my mom when she was pregnant with me? I had never seen one in my life.

I don’t know why, exactly, but the picture touched a tender spot deep inside me. To my amateur eye, it didn’t seem very possible to restore the picture. But Randy encouraged me to look into restoration options.

Forty-one dollars later, I have the whole picture. The color isn’t great, and my dad sort of looks like a zombie. But it’s of my family during the summer of 1970—a few months before I was born. And it’s a treasure to me.

• Something Ahead

As John Lennon penned in a song—and I’ve repeated several times in this space—“Life is what happens to you when you’re busy making other plans.” In other words, just when I think I can use a pen to write in my planner again, something happens and the pages get filled up with marked-out events and appointments.

That said, what is ahead is the Christmas season—my favorite time of the year. Even during years of extreme stress and sadness, my holiday home has always been a sanctuary of comfort and peace. I hold my expectations loosely, but I hope for more of the same this year.

• • •

Now it’s your turn. Chime in with your own set of somethings—loved, heard (or read), treasured and ahead. Or, if that’s too much for this week, simply share something for which you are thankful this year. And—most importantly—have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


Just when I think I can use a pen to write in my again, something happens and the pages get filled up with marked-out events and appointments. Share on X Even during years of extreme stress and sadness, my holiday home has always been a sanctuary of comfort and peace. Share on X

P.S. I’m linking up this week with Inspire Me Monday, Share Four Somethings, #tellhisstory, InstaEncouragements, Recharge Wednesday, Let’s Have Coffee and Grace & Truth

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Heather Gerwing December 8, 2021 - 10:11 am

I love Weary Traveler and that is so awesome you were able to get the photo restored!

Lois Flowers December 13, 2021 - 10:23 am

I thought so too, Heather! 🙂

Kym November 28, 2021 - 8:07 pm

I’m so sorry for your family’s loss. And so glad you’ve found a treasured family photo that touched your heart.

Lois Flowers November 29, 2021 - 9:40 am

Good to hear from you, Kym. I hope you have a good week!

Megan Byrd November 28, 2021 - 1:04 pm

I’m glad you found this treasure of a family photo. I’m sorry for the loss of your father-in-law.

Lois Flowers November 28, 2021 - 7:20 pm

Thanks so much, Megan. 🙂

Bethany McIlrath November 28, 2021 - 7:00 am

So sorry for your family’s loss, Lois! I just prayed for you all again.

Adding these songs to my “to listen” list! And what a cool photo discovery!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Lois Flowers November 28, 2021 - 7:20 pm

Thanks for your prayers, Bethany. If Instagram is any indication, it looks like you had a good holiday … I hope the fun continues through December. 🙂

Cindy Davis November 27, 2021 - 12:52 pm

There are no pictures of my mom pregnant with any of us (4) and my first picture was around 10 months, then there is one of the 4 of us when I was 18 months, then a few in elementary school, so I know how much you will treasure that picture! A beautiful find for sure. I love the songs you shared, they play them on the radio. I am sorry for your family’s loss. Have a great weekend!

Lois Flowers November 28, 2021 - 7:18 pm

I’m glad you like the songs too, Cindy … they’ve been so meaningful to me these last several weeks. I keep the picture on my desk near my laptop so it’s always close by. 🙂 I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Lisa notes November 27, 2021 - 8:31 am

I’m so sorry that you’ve also lost Randy’s dad. 🙁 Both my parents died in their early 70s a few years ago, but Jeff still has both his parents. They’re in the 80s, and I try to never take it for granted that they’re still around another year. What a treasure to have those pics with your f-i-l and your girls. And to find that one with your mom pregnant with you! Blessings to you, Lois.

Lois Flowers November 28, 2021 - 7:01 pm

Oh Lisa—that was much too soon to lose your parents. I can see why that would make you more intentional about appreciating each year you have with Jeff’s parents. (I hope it’s many more.) I hope you had a good Thanksgiving, my friend.

Joanne Viola November 24, 2021 - 9:32 am

Lois, the picture of your family is precious. How amazing to get a glimpse of your mom pregnant with you! I loved being pregnant 🙂 Each pregnancy so unique and life changing. Doesn’t it make you wonder how you impacted your mom even while you were yet being formed?
I am so sorry for the loss of your father-in-law. He has such a sweet and gentle face. May the Lord bring Randy and each of you His sweet comfort.
I am thankful for the Lord’s faithfulness this year. He has so gently guided our every step and I find such peace in knowing. Looking ahead … I am looking forward to a month of expectancy. A time of reflecting on the birth of our Lord and His return.
May you and your family have a blessed Thanksgiving! xo

Lois Flowers November 28, 2021 - 6:54 pm

Hi Joanne … seeing the picture does make me wonder what my mom was thinking during that season of her life. I so wish I could ask her now. Thank you for your kind words about my father-in-law—he was a wonderful man, for sure. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family. I’m so thankful our stories have criss-crossed in such special ways this year. 🙂

Michele Morin November 24, 2021 - 8:19 am

Oh, another loss! I am so sorry!

And the timing of your memory picture is so perfect, and an investment in JOY!

Blessings to you as you celebrate gratitude with your family in the midst of grief.

Lois Flowers November 28, 2021 - 6:50 pm

Thank you so much, Michele. I love how you describe the cost of restoring my photo—“an investment I JOY.” So true. 🙂 I hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving, my friend.

Theresa Boedeker November 23, 2021 - 7:17 pm

So sorry about the loss of your father-in-law. The photo of your mom pregnant with you is so precious. I have few photos of me as a child, except the yearly school photo. So yes, these are precious. Glad you got it restored. Something ahead: well, someone asked me what I was looking forward to and I blurted out Spring. That’s in the future, but a little too far in the future. Something closer, is my visit to see my sister next month.

Lois Flowers November 28, 2021 - 6:46 pm

Haha, Theresa … you sound like my husband when it comes to looking forward to spring. 😊 I suppose having few photos of us as children is a byproduct of coming from large families? Thanks for your kind words about my father-in-law. And I hope you have a wonderful visit with your sister next month.

Donna November 23, 2021 - 11:05 am

Love your four somethings, Lois and the theme of family running through. How beautiful to find that family photo, a treasure indeed!

Lois Flowers November 28, 2021 - 6:42 pm

Thanks, Donna. I didn’t set out to make it a family themed post, but I’m glad it worked out that way this time. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! 🙂

Linda Stoll November 22, 2021 - 9:31 pm

Poignant, tender, deeply touching.

I’m so very sorry for this, yet another deep loss, Lois. My heart goes out to each one of you. My prayer is for your comfort and peace.

And yes, I’m guessing that’s the best $41 you’ll ever spend … for so many reasons.

Bless you and your dear family during this bittersweet season.

Lois Flowers November 28, 2021 - 6:41 pm

Dear Linda … thank you for your kind words—they mean so very much. I know you know how this feels … And yes, I agree wholeheartedly about that $41! ❤️

Paula Short November 22, 2021 - 8:14 pm

I’m sorry to hear about your father in law. I loved hearing about your treasured family photo you found. Blessings.

Lois Flowers November 28, 2021 - 5:39 pm

Thanks, Paula. I hope you had a good Thanksgiving, my friend. 🙂

Barbara Harper November 22, 2021 - 2:49 pm

I’m sorry to hear of the loss of your father-in-law. I’m glad he didn’t have to suffer long. What a joy to have sweet memories of a good relationship as well as the expectation of seeing him again.

How neat to have found that photo! And it’s so neat it could be restored! I have one photo of my mom expectant with me, and it touches my heart to see it.

I hope you and yours have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Lois Flowers November 28, 2021 - 5:39 pm

Thanks, Barbara! I see we share similar feelings about the pictures of our moms pregnant with each of us … mine is on my desk by my laptop so I can see it often. 🙂 I hope you and your family had a happy Thanksgiving too.

Trudy November 22, 2021 - 1:40 pm

Oh Lois, I’m so sorry you all lost your dad/dad-in-law and grandpa. He does sound like a wonderful man and I love the pics you have of him with your kids. May God give each of you and Randy’s mom strength for each day! What a treasured surprise in finding a photo of your family where your mom is expecting you! I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving, too! Love and blessings to you, my friend!

Lois Flowers November 28, 2021 - 5:34 pm

Thanks so much for your kind condolences, Trudy! I hope you and Len had a wonderful holiday too. Sending you a big hug this evening!
