Share Four Somethings: October 2022

by Lois Flowers

Full. It was my One Word for 2020, and it seems to be a fitting description for the fall of 2022 as well.

In September, Randy and I spent several days visiting his mom in North Dakota. A few weeks later, my sister and I took our second annual trip to Wisconsin to see our 92-year-old Aunt Renate.

At home, we’ve experienced senior pictures with Molly and shared a fun fall break with Lilly and a couple of her friends from college. Our home has been full, along with our hearts.

I missed last month’s Share Four Somethings due to all the travel. Now, though, I’m happy to be joining October’s linkup, starting with …

Something Loved

My aunt has a wonderful adventurous spirit. My sister is willing to drive her minivan over hill and dale and everywhere in between. So one day while we were in Wisconsin, we took a road trip to Door County, which is located on a peninsula between Green Bay and Lake Michigan.

We meandered up one side of the peninsula and down the other, stopping in quaint little tourist towns along the way to take in the sights. We strolled out on piers, felt the brisk wind on our faces, snapped selfies with lighthouses, and dined at restaurants with gorgeous views of Lake Michigan.

It was a lovely day, all the way around.

Something Gleaned

My mother-in-law gave me a 365-day flip calendar for Christmas last year. Each day features a Bible verse and a quote from a well-known Christian author. Not too long ago, the quote for the day was from Charles R. Swindoll’s book, Paul: A Man of Grace and Grit.

“Rather than racing into the limelight, we need to accept our role in the shadows,” Swindoll writes. “Don’t promote yourself. Don’t push yourself to the front. Let someone else do that. Better yet, let God do that. If you’re great, trust me, the word will get out. You’ll be found … in God’s time. If you’re necessary for the plan, God will put you in the right place at just the precise time. God’s work is not about us. It’s His production, start to finish.”

I don’t know about you, but that was exactly what I needed to remember that day. And many days since then too.

Something Braved

In eight years of blogging, I’ve never taken any kind of online blogging class. There are many reasons for this: I was too intimidated, I didn’t want to spend the money, I was afraid that whatever they advocated wouldn’t work for me (or, more accurately, that I wouldn’t be able to make it work for me).

Not long ago, though, I read about a blogging course that focused more on the craft of writing, rather than on likes and shares and platforms. This appealed to me, so I decided to give it a try.

A few weeks in, I’ve been introduced to several helpful tools and methods, as well as a few techniques that don’t really feel like me. More than anything else, the class is causing me to think about the point of what I’m writing, and how I can get my message across more effectively.

Is this going to revolutionize the way I blog? Probably not. But there’s plenty of room for improvement, and this class has been a brave step in a good direction.

Something Achieved

Randy and I often do the Whole30 eating plan in October. With all we have going on right now, though, it seemed a bit daunting to eliminate grains, legumes, dairy products, sugar and preservatives from our diet for 30 days in a row.

Instead, we decided to give up dessert for a month. So far, we’ve been successful.

In the grand scheme of amazing achievements, “No Dessert October” might not rank very high. But if you knew how much I love to bake and how much I enjoy having something sweet with my family after supper, you’d understand why this is an accomplishment for us.

We still have a week left, but I think we’re going to make it. And you better believe I’m looking forward to some kind of chocolate cake when we celebrate my birthday in early November.

• • •

Now it’s your turn. Have you seen any beautiful views or read any memorable quotes lately? What about trying something new or reaching a goal of some kind? Please share in the comments, or, if you prefer, serve up your own collection of Something Loved, Gleaned, Braved (or Saved) and Achieved.


Don't promote yourself. Don't push yourself to the front. Let someone else do that. Better yet, let God do that. ~ Charles R. Swindoll Share on X The first online blogging course I've ever taken might not revolutionize the way I blog. But there’s plenty of room for improvement, and this class has been a brave step in a good direction. #blogging Share on X

P.S. I’m linking up this week with Share Four Somethings, #tellhisstory, InstaEncouragements, Recharge Wednesday, Let’s Have Coffee and Grace & Truth

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Lisa notes November 3, 2022 - 1:39 pm

Yay for brave sisters and adventurous aunts! 🙂 And yay for you taking the blogging course. Please let us know what stands out to you as most important when you’re finished. And enjoy some chocolate cake for all it’s worth when you start back with desserts. 🙂

Lois Flowers November 4, 2022 - 7:42 pm

Thanks, Lisa. Randy is working on decorating my birthday cake even as I type this. Can’t wait to eat some tomorrow! ❤️

Jennifer Smith November 2, 2022 - 1:11 pm

Looks like a lovely trip. All of you look quite happy….a wander over hill and dale does a body good!:) Love the quote you shared!! Here’s to a blessed November ahead!

Lois Flowers November 4, 2022 - 7:40 pm

Oh, yes, Jennifer … you’re right about wandering over hill and dale. 🙂 I hope you have a wonderful November too!

Cindy Davis October 29, 2022 - 5:56 pm

We got to visit Wisconsin in June and we had a blast, we loved it. We had never been before and I would love to go back. We didn’t get close to Michigan and I wanted to do that as well. What a blessing to be able to visit twice a year. Love the pictures you shared. I think it’s great you all have made it almost a month with no dessert! Enjoy your birthday cake and have a wonderful birthday as well!

Lois Flowers October 31, 2022 - 4:48 pm

I love Wisconsin too, Cindy. Thanks for your birthday wishes. Hugs, friend.

Bethany A McIlrath October 29, 2022 - 4:38 pm

I love when “full” involves travel and loved ones! Sounds your autumn has been amazing! How exciting about the blogging course! : ) The end of Swindoll’s quote is so comforting and empowering to wait on God. Thanks for sharing that – and all the rest too. No dessert – ooph. I hope your birthday cake is extra chocolatey!!

Lois Flowers October 31, 2022 - 4:47 pm

Me too, Bethany. I’ve done harder things in my life than giving up dessert for a month, but I’m certainly looking forward to having something sweet again. Hope you are well, my friend. 🙂

Linda Stoll October 29, 2022 - 9:25 am

Happy early birthday. And I love Chuck Swindoll. Full homes and hearts. Online classes. And visits to far-flung family members.

Happy weekend to you, dear friend!

Lois Flowers October 29, 2022 - 9:58 am

Thanks, Linda. And the very same to you! 🙂

Donna October 28, 2022 - 5:28 pm

The trip with your aunt sounds like a real treasure, Lois! And that quote by Swindoll really hits home for me, about accepting my role in the shadows, oddly God seems to place me there often, but I’m not always content to be there!

Lois Flowers October 29, 2022 - 9:58 am

I’ve spent a lot of time there too, Donna. I’m thankful that God is faithful to keep us where we need to be, even if it often goes against our desires and plans for ourselves. hugs, friend.

Trudy October 27, 2022 - 11:24 am

I’m love that you were able to do some traveling, Lois. I’m glad you got to spend time with your sister, aunt, and mom-in-law and in nature’s refreshment. I love Charles Swindoll’s quote! Love, hugs, and blessings to you, my friend!

Lois Flowers October 27, 2022 - 8:28 pm

The weeks away were very refreshing, Trudy. And October has gone by in a blink too! How are you and Len doing? Love and hugs, dear friend.

Jeanne Takenaka October 26, 2022 - 9:14 pm

Lois, I love how you and your sister make it a priority to visit your aunt. What a gift to her and to you both. And Door County . . . I’ve heard so much about it! I’d love to visit one day. I hope your blogging class continues to help you grow in your blogging!

Lois Flowers October 27, 2022 - 8:25 pm

Thanks so much, Jeanne. My head is pretty full of new ideas and information and we’re only halfway through. I think you’d love Door County—I hope to go back with Randy someday. Hugs, friend.

Donna B Reidland October 26, 2022 - 5:01 pm

I loved spending a weekend in the mountains with 4 other couples at a retreat. It was a blessing in so many ways. Something accomplished … I recently managed to install some software on my computer without help from any of my techy friends. I’ll have to think about the something gleaned though I know there have been many things and the computer software was brave for me. 🙂

Lois Flowers October 27, 2022 - 8:22 pm

Good job with the software install, Donna. That’s nothing I’ve ever attempted! I’m glad the weekend retreat was such a blessing for you!

Maryleigh October 26, 2022 - 10:36 am

One of the things I so love about your month is that it was full of so many God blessings – because you made choices to walk into those opportunities – and live more fully because of each of them – and, with the writing class, risk yourself to something possibly uncomfortable. I think chocolate cake sounds like a perfect way to celebrate a dessertless October!

Lois Flowers October 27, 2022 - 8:20 pm

Aw, Maryleigh … thank you for your encouraging thoughts about my October. “Full of so many God blessings”—that’s exactly right. Love and hugs to you, my friend.

Bev Rihtarchik October 26, 2022 - 9:54 am

Good for you in doing something brave. Like you, I’ve really tried to concentrate on the craft of writing and not get so caught up in my “platform,” I LOVE Door County, WI!! We spent a wonderful week there one summer when I lived in Illinois. The water, however, was SO cold lol. Can’t believe we’re almost at the end of October?!
Bev xx

Lois Flowers October 27, 2022 - 8:18 pm

Bev, that’s so cool that you’ve been to Door County! My family used to go to Milwaukee when I was a kid to visit my grandpa, but we never went anywhere else in Wisconsin. Seeing other parts of the state with my aunt and sister has been so much fun. Hugs, friend.

Joanne Viola October 26, 2022 - 7:55 am

I think we have talked about my love of Chuck Swindoll’s teaching. That quote is pure gold! So glad you were able to spend time with your aunt. How wonderful to be able to spend time with her, remember old memories, and make some new ones.

Lois Flowers October 27, 2022 - 5:13 pm

That’s a great summary of what our visit with Aunt Renate was like, Joanne. And yes, I do remember how much you love Chuck Swindoll’s teaching. As do I. 🙂

Lesley October 25, 2022 - 4:26 pm

I’m glad you enjoyed travelling. It sounds like a lot of fun, and I love the photos! I think I’ve travelled more in the last six weeks than I have in the last two years and it has been fun to explore some new places. The blogging course sounds interesting, and I think “No dessert October” is a great achievement. I know I’d find that hard. You definitely deserve some chocolate cake for your birthday!

Lois Flowers October 27, 2022 - 5:12 pm

I’m glad you’ve had a chance to travel these last six weeks, Lesley. I don’t know if I deserve the cake or not, but I’m definitely looking forward to eating it! 🙂

Barbara Harper October 25, 2022 - 2:33 pm

That trip to MI sounds absolutely lovely. And Aunt Renate sounds like so much fun. She reminds me of the aunt of another friend, who was still delivering Meals on Wheels to other people in her 90s.

That quote from Swindoll is perfect.

Can I ask where the blogging course was from?

Congratulations on no sweets for nearly a month. I’m not sure I could do that. But if I did, I’d be eager for chocolate cake, too.

Lois Flowers October 27, 2022 - 5:10 pm

Barbara, we always gave up sweets as part of the Whole30 but for some reason, I’m missing them a lot more this month than when we’ve done that eating plan. Maybe because over the last few years I’ve come to enjoy baking so much, and of course I can’t really do that right now. But the end is in sight! Check your email for my answer about the blogging class. And your friend’s aunt does sound a lot like Aunt Renate. I hope I have that much energy when I’m 92!

Mary Geisen October 25, 2022 - 9:35 am

I love hearing about your October. I definitely think you should celebrate with chocolate cake after giving up desserts for the month.
Your aunt Renate sounds like an amazing woman. I wish I still had some of my aunts around to hang out with

Lois Flowers October 27, 2022 - 5:02 pm

She is an amazing person, Mary. So good to hear from you this month. And yes, I cannot wait to have that chocolate cake for my birthday! 🙂
