Awhile back, I wrote a couple of blog posts about the comparison trap and how a quote from the Chronicles of Narnia completely changed my outlook on this contentment-robbing hazard.
Remember this? “I am telling you your own story, not hers. I tell no one any story but his own.”
Those words—spoken by the lion Aslan to a young runaway on a foggy mountain pass—provided much-needed perspective years ago when Randy and I were dealing with infertility. Since then, through struggles far removed from wished-for pregnancies, Aslan’s words continue to challenge my thoughts when people around me get what I desperately want.
But while I’m trying to remember that the good things that happen to other people have nothing to do with me—that their journeys are not my journey—I can easily lose sight of the truth that I also have a story. And, despite the ups and downs and unexpecteds, it’s a good story.
I first heard “My Story” by Big Daddy Weave a couple of weeks ago when I was driving somewhere with Lilly, and I knew immediately that it would be our next Song of the Month. What I love the most about it, besides the title, is that it puts the focus squarely on the Author of my story, not on the main character.
As Fanny Crosby wrote more than a century ago (and Big Daddy Weave echos today), “This is my story, this is my song. Praising my Savior, all the day long.”