Song of the Month: A Look Back and a Birthday Song

by Lois Flowers

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Since I introduced the Song of the Month on Waxing Gibbous last November, it’s been my joy to share with you some of the music that has meant to the most to me over the last year.

This isn’t a feature that draws a lot of response, nor do I intend for it to be. But I do love it when a tune touches a deep place in someone’s heart, and he or she takes the time to let me know.

I’ve heard from the teenage daughter of my college roommate, from my brother across the globe in the Philippines, from a dear former colleague in Arkansas. And every note and comment solidifies what I believe with all my heart—that God speaks to His children in powerful ways through music.

I love all the songs I’ve featured, but if I had to pick one favorite out of all the favorites, it would have to be “The Rock Won’t Move” by the Vertical Church Band (from March 2015). I watched this group perform this song in concert, I’ve sung it at church, and I’ve listened to it approximately 13,828 times on my kitchen CD player.

It never, ever gets old.

But enough of the trip down memory lane. This week we celebrate a couple of birthdays at the Flowers house. On Wednesday, Lilly will be able to start learning how to drive a car in Kansas legally. As for me, if I live to be 90, I still will have half my life left as of Thursday. (Can you guess where I fall on the glass-half-full/glass-half-empty spectrum?)

There’s no time like a birthday to reflect on God’s faithfulness, and the Song of the Month for November is a good place to start. I’ve been listening to this one for several weeks, so much so that it’s often playing in my head when I wake up in the middle of the night.

I don’t mind, though, because “Nothing Less (Great is Thy Faithfulness)” by Charles Billingsley is good listening, day or night.

Lois Flowers

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julie reimers November 16, 2015 - 9:54 pm

thanks for always taking the time to share. I really appreciate it. songs that touches the heart are anointed by God.
our belated birthday greetings to you and Lilly!
i’m able to write to you today a longer email.
Love & Prayers,

Lois Flowers November 17, 2015 - 12:58 pm

Hi Julie … it’s so nice to see your name pop up here in the comments! Love to you all!

Trudy November 2, 2015 - 11:37 am

I haven’t heard of either of these songs, Lois. Both of them are so comforting and strengthening. Thank you. Happy Birthday to you and Lilly! Blessings to you both!

Lois Flowers November 2, 2015 - 2:02 pm

Comforting and strengthening … yes, absolutely! I’m glad you enjoyed them, Trudy. 🙂

Suzy Taylor Oakley November 2, 2015 - 5:57 am

Another great song to share with my church. You pick a lot of songs that make me think, “I need to make sure our worship leader knows about this one!” You have a knack for picking songs that speak to me. 🙂

Happy birthday, Flowers girls!

Lois Flowers November 2, 2015 - 2:01 pm

I’m so glad you tell me when these songs speak to you, Suzy. Your encouragement is a huge blessing!

Angela Ariola November 1, 2015 - 7:34 am

Happy Birthday to you and Lilly!

Lois Flowers November 1, 2015 - 8:14 am

Thanks, Angela! I love knowing that you are out there reading this. 🙂
