The Choice We Have When Life Gets Hard

by Lois Flowers

Life is hard. That’s not news to anyone who has been on this planet for more than a week.

But—and this is critical to remember—God is good. His goodness is not rated by what happens to you or me, or any group of people. It’s an intrinsic part of who He is, just like His faithfulness or omnipotence.

We sing phrases like “God is good and His love endures forever” in familiar songs, but those aren’t simply nice lyrics. They represent truth that flows directly from the pages of scripture. (See Psalm 100:5, for starters.)

It can be difficult, though, to reconcile the fact that God is good with what we see going on all around us—when waves of grief, pain and discouragement regularly arrive at our own front doors and take up residence in our own hearts. Cover it all with a heavy layer of unmet expectations, and disillusionment is a short hop away.

We have a choice, in times like these.

We can blame God and other Christians, gradually (and perhaps unintentionally) walk away from our faith, engage in some kind of deconstruction/reconstruction process that involves fashioning a nicer, trendier, more culturally palatable sort of God in the image that we want Him to take.

Or we can lean into scripture, ask the hard questions (of ourselves and of God), admit that perhaps doubt is not the greatest virtue, find encouragement by reading the words of other believers who have kept the faith while walking through valleys deep and dark.

I’m a few decades past the first “hardest phase of my life.” Since then, I’ve endured seasons that were far more excruciating. At the risk of sounding overly pessimistic, I’m fully expecting there will be more to come in the future.

I wonder, sometimes, how I would have reacted if someone had shared all this with me 20 years ago—when I couldn’t fathom God’s big picture and all I wanted was for my current situation to be resolved.

I see now that mine wasn’t the only story affected by what was happening to me—that God’s purposes for me and my loved ones would extend much further than I could have ever imagined.

That’s life viewed in retrospect, though—a perspective we simply don’t have when we’re in the middle of the hard phase.

If I could go back to the year 2000 and have a candid heart-to-heart with my much-younger self, I honestly don’t know if it would make a bit of difference. There’s always a chance that it might encourage you, though. So here goes:

Don’t assume that things are not turning out as you hoped because there’s something wrong with you, or because there is something wrong with God.

Don’t assume that if you wait long enough, you’ll eventually get what you want.

• Don’t assume that this is the hardest thing you will ever go through in your life. (It might be, but likely it is not.)

Don’t worry about what your current season of waiting is preparing you for—as in, constantly wondering what horrible thing is going to come along later that will make your present trial seem like it was at least sort of worthwhile. Instead, trust that God will strengthen you, equip you and see you through—now and later.

If healing or deliverance doesn’t happen, don’t assume that God’s not in control. He’s sovereign, whether you acknowledge it or not, whether you like it or not, or whether He chooses to heal your or your loved one or not.

Above all, remember this. Faith isn’t holding your breath and believing really hard that something good will happen. It’s trusting that God is good, that He loves you, and that He knows what you need, even if that good thing you so desperately want never happens.


Don’t assume that things are not turning out as you hoped because there’s something wrong with you, or because there is something wrong with God. Share on X Faith isn’t holding your breath and believing really hard that something good will happen. It’s trusting that God is good and that He knows what you need, even if that good thing you so desperately want never happens. Share on X

P.S. I’m linking up this week with #tellhisstory, InstaEncouragements, Recharge Wednesday, Let’s Have Coffee, Inspire Me Monday and Grace & Truth.

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Karen Friday June 13, 2021 - 10:46 am

Powerful piece, Lois. Your writing is authentic and vulnerable. When life is not good, God is. Because goodness is not only something God does, but who He is. So we continue to trust Him in the hard days.

Lois Flowers June 13, 2021 - 4:18 pm

Amen, Karen! Thanks for your kind words, my friend.

Bethany McIlrath June 12, 2021 - 6:58 pm

This is an encouragement to me, Lois, thank you! I think your last point especially shows the difference between faith and optimism (something I have certainly struggled with!) Thanks, friend.

Lois Flowers June 13, 2021 - 4:17 pm

You’re so welcome, Bethany. I hadn’t thought of it like that, but I think you’re on to something … optimism is nice, but faith in God and His unchanging character is what we need in hard times, mostly.

Donna June 11, 2021 - 4:06 pm

Great advice here, Lois. When we face suffering it really does all come down to our faith in God’s goodness, not so much our faith in God. Leaning into scripture protects us from the lies of the evil one who always comes along for the ride when we hit the hard trails just to push us to question God’s goodness.

Lois Flowers June 13, 2021 - 4:16 pm

Oh my goodness, Donna … what you’ve said is so true. I often find myself praying the psalm, “Send your light and your truth, let them lead me” when I am struggling to focus on what is actually real and true, vs. how I’m feeling. I appreciate your perspective so much, my friend.

Laurie June 10, 2021 - 4:59 pm

Lois, I often think about suffering in the world and why it happens. I begin with the premise that God is good – all good all the time. Reading posts from the community of Christian bloggers (like you!) has strengthened my own faith immeasurably. It often seems to me that I read in a post what I most need on any given day.

Loved this: “Faith isn’t holding your breath and believing really hard that something good will happen. It’s trusting that God is good, that He loves you, and that He knows what you need, even if that good thing you so desperately want never happens.” Beautifully said!

Lois Flowers June 13, 2021 - 4:14 pm

Laurie, I’m so glad participating in the community of Christian bloggers has encouraged your faith. Your words do that for me on a regular basis as well! Hugs, friend.

Jeanne Takenaka June 10, 2021 - 4:33 pm

Awww, Lois. There is so much wisdom in your words! I appreciate your thoughts on faith: “Faith isn’t holding your breath and believing really hard that something good will happen. It’s trusting that God is good, that He loves you, and that He knows what you need, even if that good thing you so desperately want never happens.”

I had to come to this understanding in a really painful place in my life too. I’m so thankful our Father is bigger than any situation, any heartache we find ourselves in. And He loves completely, even when He chooses not to allow that thing we so desperately hope for.

Lois Flowers June 13, 2021 - 4:13 pm

Oh Jeanne … in a way, I think that is the biggest comfort of all. That our Heavenly Father knows what is best for us and loves us enough to follow through with it, even when it’s hard. I suppose as parents we can relate to this a bit … we feel our kids’ pain and disappointment even when we know the way we are guiding them is for their good. I suppose there is even comfort in that … knowing that God knows how we feel when we find ourselves in this situation. Praying for you, my friend.

Lesley June 10, 2021 - 10:12 am

I love this, Lois! Such good advice!

Lois Flowers June 10, 2021 - 10:16 am

Thanks, Lesley! Good to hear from you … I hope you are well. 😊

Jerralea Winn Miller June 9, 2021 - 11:36 am

So good, Lois! It always comes back to whether we trust God knows what He is doing or not. He sees so much more than we do!

Lois Flowers June 10, 2021 - 10:24 am

That’s so true, Jerralea! Good to hear from you this week. 😊

Trudy June 9, 2021 - 11:07 am

“Faith isn’t holding your breath and believing really hard that something good will happen. It’s trusting that God is good, that He loves you, and that He knows what you need, even if that good thing you so desperately want never happens.” Amen! Thank you so much, Lois, for this comforting reminder. I love how you don’t minimize the struggles but you always point to God’s faithful character. In disappointments and difficulties, it always give me hope to remember who God is. Love and blessings to you!

Lois Flowers June 10, 2021 - 10:22 am

That gives me hope too, Trudy. I hope you are having a restful summer, my friend. Sending you love and hugs today …

Susan Shipe June 9, 2021 - 10:07 am

God IS good – regardless of the outcome. Sometimes, that little (or huge) truth can be pretty dang hard to receive. Amen? But, we know it is Truth!

Lois Flowers June 10, 2021 - 10:21 am

Amen and amen, Susan! 😊

Bev Rihtarchik June 9, 2021 - 5:51 am

Wise words to your younger self! It’s easy to recognize God’s lessons and how He was building our character in the rearview mirror. Trusting Him in the excruciatingly hard moments is the stuff real faith is made of. Great post!
Bev xx

Lois Flowers June 10, 2021 - 10:21 am

Oh, Bev … the rearview mirror! I suppose the more we are able to see God’s faithfulness in retrospect, the more inclined we are to trust Him in the present. Still nothing easy about it, though. Hugs, friend.

Lisa notes June 8, 2021 - 8:50 pm

Yes!–> “Faith isn’t holding your breath and believing really hard that something good will happen. It’s trusting that God is good, that He loves you, and that He knows what you need.” It’s not always easy to trust, but trusting is what will eventually bring us peace every time. Great words, Lois.

Lois Flowers June 10, 2021 - 10:17 am

Thank you, Lisa. It’s a lifelong lesson, isn’t it—learning to trust? And what a day that will be when our faith becomes sight!

Barbara Harper June 8, 2021 - 1:54 pm

I think that’s part of maturing in the Lord. When we’re young Christians, we think God will always answer our prayers just the way we want and everything will be rosy. (At least I did–I was saved in my later teens.) Then comes a day when prayer isn’t answered, or something that makes no sense happens, and we’re shaken. As we get to know Him more, we trust His character, even when hard things are happening. But though I’ve combed the Scriptures and read much about God’s purposes in sufferings, there are times I have to go over it all again. Like recently when a former pastor’s grandson died of leukemia at age 7.

I’ve thought that, too, that I’ve had my big trials, so I should be “safe” for the rest of my life. 🙂 Then I look at Joni Eareckson Tada and all she has been through. I sometimes tell myself, “We’re not in heaven yet.”

Lois Flowers June 9, 2021 - 8:21 pm

I’m so sorry about your pastor’s grandson, Barbara. Those kinds of tragedies, especially, are the ones I think I might like to ask God about in heaven. I think you’re right about maturing faith, and how it enables us to trust God’s character when tough times come. But it’s definitely not a one-and-done lesson, is it?

Barb Hegreberg June 8, 2021 - 12:09 pm

Truth is truth, whether anyone else agrees with you or not. Keep up the good work!

Lois Flowers June 9, 2021 - 8:16 pm

Thanks so much, Barb! (I agree about truth, by the way!)

Joanne Viola June 8, 2021 - 6:43 am

Lois, I so agree with you. I am finding that trusting God means knowing He is at work in all things – both the easy and the challenging times. It means knowing even if it may not make sense to me at the time, it makes perfect sense to Him all the time.

Lois Flowers June 9, 2021 - 8:14 pm

Amen, Joanne. He sees behind the scenes, the big picture, the minutest details. Oh, for grace to trust Him more! (As the old hymn says.) 🙂

Michele Morin June 8, 2021 - 6:29 am

I come back to this truth every time my world tilts. Hope in God makes ALL the difference, and trusting his definition of “good ” is at the foundation.

Lois Flowers June 9, 2021 - 8:12 pm

I’m with you 100 percent, Michele. 🙂
