What I Learned This Fall

by Lois Flowers

Life is happening, prompting me to take an unscheduled break from blogging these last few weeks. There’s a lot crowding my mind and my schedule right now, so rather than stress about when I was going to squeeze in time to write, I just let it go.

I’m in full-on, do-the-next-thing mode, on multiple fronts. I have no endings to share—happy or otherwise; the stories are still being written. I’m waiting, watching, helping, trusting and praying—always praying, especially in the middle of the night.

Thanks to my daughters’ holiday spirit and a November blizzard that kept us homebound a few Sunday afternoons ago, my whole house is decorated for Christmas. Before I wave goodbye to fall once and for all, however, I’m going to ease back into blogging by jotting down a few realizations from the season just past.

• I love fall, but fall is hard for me.

Fall is when I start to sleep better. Fall is when everything gets cozy and nesting begins in earnest. Fall is when the Holy Spirit slips my new OneWord for the coming year into my mind (more on that in the coming weeks).

But fall also tends to be exhausting, discouraging and depleting for me, though I can’t fully explain why. And when I’m in the middle of this, it helps me to remember: I’ve been here before. This too shall pass.

• I don’t handle stress as well as I thought.

I’m trying to do better, and I’m grateful for the grace my family extends to me when I’m frayed and frazzled. When my girls are grown, though, I hope they are more inclined to remember the times I apologized after overreacting rather than the overreactions themselves.

• When you have every reason to believe the upcoming season is going to be easy (or at least easier than it was last year), don’t hold on to that expectation too tightly.

If we were seated across the table from one another at a comfy coffee shop, I’d explain how this has played out in my life recently. But I have a feeling you might understand what I mean, even without further elaboration.

• Help is my new love language.

For me, love languages are all tied up in the understanding that someone is thinking of me—enough to call, to text, to send a card, to buy me something her or she knows I would love, and now, to offer to help.

This help thing is something I’m just realizing about myself as I’ve been juggling the balls of caring for my family, supporting my dad and trying to see my mom when my dad can’t. Even if my only answer is, “Please pray,” when a friend inquires about how she can help, a piece of my burden rises off my heart and drifts away knowing she cared enough to ask.

• Snow on fall foliage is beautiful.

I didn’t take any pictures of our rather unusual mid-November weather because I simply wanted to enjoy it while it was happening. But red, orange and yellow leaves peeking out from under a blanket of white is truly something to behold.

• I miss blogging when I skip a week or three.

It’s true, dear readers. I have missed writing and interacting with you here. This realization has been a blessing, because there have been times this year when I’ve wondered if I still had the desire and/or the gumption to continue blogging.

Turns out, I do. I haven’t been writing much lately, but I have been thinking—a lot. And I’m very much looking forward to fleshing some of those thoughts out and sharing them with you soon.

That’s my list. What did you learn this fall?


When my children are grown, I hope they are more inclined to remember the times I apologized after overreacting rather than the overreactions themselves. Share on X

P.S. I’m linking up this week with Emily Freeman, Let’s Have Coffee#TellHisStory, Faith on Fire, Faith ‘n Friends and Grace & Truth.

Photo by Molly Flowers

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Mary Geisen December 6, 2018 - 9:50 am

I found myself nodding my head in agreement with all of your Fall ahas. We share some similarities in the areas of stress, missing writing when taking any kind of a break, and learning how to seek help.

It is so good to see you back at #TellHisStory. Your words always bless me.

Lois Flowers December 10, 2018 - 7:41 pm

Aw … thanks, Mary. Your words bless me too. 😊

Jennifer December 5, 2018 - 2:55 pm

Managing expectations (and holding them lightly) has been my motto the past few weeks – and will stay with me through the holidays into the winter months…which tend to be a challenge. Glad you were able to post. I enjoyed it!

Lois Flowers December 10, 2018 - 7:46 pm

I hope holding your expectations lightly allows you to experience more joy and peace this winter, Jennifer. That’s my motto too, coupled with frequent requests for God’s will to be done, not mine. Thanks for your kind words last week!

Bethany December 5, 2018 - 12:50 pm


I’m glad you’re still sticking with the blog- I’d sure miss your words! But I’m also glad you’ve been able to take time for life this fall, push-and-pull as it sounds like.

Help is a love language to me too. And I’m praying for you, especially for encouragement as stories are still being written. Let me know if there is another way to help too. <3

Lois Flowers December 10, 2018 - 7:49 pm

Thanks so much, Bethany! There is much to share and little time for sharing. I’ll try to email soon … I hope you are having a peaceful Christmas season so far. 😊

Susan Shipe December 5, 2018 - 8:36 am

I haven’t been over to visit you in a long while, Lois, so today is the day! I love fall too and I’m glad you recognize your need to s l o w. You are wise. Be blessed and continue your slower pace through Advent – I bet you’ll enjoy it so much more. xo

Lois Flowers December 10, 2018 - 7:50 pm

It was good to hear from you, Susan! I hope you are enjoying the holiday season in your new home!

Lesley December 4, 2018 - 4:57 pm

I’ve missed your words here, Lois, but it’s true – sometimes life happens and we just need to step back and take a break. Praying that you know God with you, giving you strength and helping you in all the challenges. Hugs!

Lois Flowers December 11, 2018 - 7:14 pm

I appreciate your kind and encouraging words so much, Lesley. I hope you are having a wonderful Christmas season, my friend! 🙂

Natalie Ogbourne December 4, 2018 - 2:17 pm

This is an encouraging collection of the significant little things that make up the fabric of life. I think we have a few things in common. There was a lot of “me, too” welling up in me as I read. Thank you for that. And take care as you navigate the terrain of your life.

Lois Flowers December 11, 2018 - 7:17 pm

Natalie, when I read your words on Instagram or your blog, I often have the same reaction. Blessings to you this Christmas season!

Trudy December 4, 2018 - 12:52 pm

Oh Lois, my heart aches so for you. I know your life can be overwhelming as a caretaker of your parents. Even though they don’t live with you, you truly are a caretaker. Even praying in the night. The needs of a mom in itself can be draining. You must be exhausted. Please don’t ever stress yourself about being present here. Just flesh out and share your meaningful thoughts with us as God nudges you. God be with you and keep you and give you strength! Love and hugs to you!

Lois Flowers December 11, 2018 - 7:18 pm

Oh Trudy … I wish I could give you a great big hug in person! Thank you so much for these encouraging words … you truly are a blessing in my life! I hope you are having a wonderful Christmas season, my friend!

Jeanne Takenaka December 4, 2018 - 10:28 am

Awww, Lois. your words speak to my heart. I’m discovering fall is a busy time for our family. And when other things are going on in addition to the normal expectations, life gets a little crazy. I’m figuring out what our life needs to look like in our own season of craziness.

I’m praying for you in this season, my friend.

Lois Flowers December 11, 2018 - 7:21 pm

Thanks for your prayers, Jeanne. I’m praying for you too, my friend. One day we will look back on all the craziness and feel … well, I’m not sure what. But one day we will look back and know that God carried us through, I’m sure of that!

Linda Stoll December 4, 2018 - 8:25 am

I feel the tender push-pull here, Lois. You’ve captured it well and I hope the writing of it all has soothed and comforted your soul.

May you freely claim all the grace and space you need in the days ahead …

He, and we, hear you well …

Lois Flowers December 11, 2018 - 7:24 pm

Yes, Linda … I think writing about what I learned this fall really did comfort and soothe my soul! I’m so grateful for you, my friend … many Christmas blessings to you and yours. 🙂

Michele Morin December 4, 2018 - 7:26 am

Based on this list, we are so much alike!
I took a break from blogging in November as well, and it was so great, I’m going to take another one in December. It’s good that you are taking care of yourself in this challenging sandwich season.

Lois Flowers December 11, 2018 - 7:31 pm

I’m glad to hear that blogging breaks have been good for you, Michele. 🙂 The sandwich season has gotten more challenging as of late, but God is faithfully leading the way and giving me the strength to do what needs to be done. I know you can relate, and it is a comfort to know others have gone before and understand what it’s like.
