When You Long to Feel God’s Pleasure

by Lois Flowers

Last fall, I wrote about how hard it is to let go—of the treadmill when I’m running on it, and of other things we might not even realize we have firmly in our grasp.

In this blog post, I also wondered if I would ever feel God’s pleasure when I run, or if that feeling was reserved for Olympians who refuse to race on Sunday. (I was referring, of course, to Eric Liddell and his famous quote in Chariots of Fire: “I believe God made me for a purpose, but he also made me fast. And when I run I feel His pleasure.”)

When it got too dark to run outside in the early morning, I spent the next several months working out only on the treadmill—doing my best to run without holding on as much as possible. When I started jogging on the trail again a few weeks ago, I was happy to discover that my efforts on the treadmill seem to have paid off.

I wouldn’t say I’m feeling God’s pleasure when I’m out there, but I would say it’s easier than it used to be. I can tell my core has gotten stronger. It’s even a wee bit enjoyable, if the temperature is just right and I’m not running directly into gale-force Kansas winds.

I’m happy about all this, of course, but it also got me to thinking. Perhaps feeling God’s pleasure is not the point—not all the time anyway.

I know what Liddell meant by it. He meant he runs freely and with energy and full of joy.

That’s what it’s like to feel God’s pleasure, or so we think. Is that really the case, though? What is it that actually pleases God?

I did a quick search and found some verses that address this. God is “pleased with what is right” (in our hearts, see 1 Chronicles 29:17). He is “pleased to save those who believe through the foolishness of the message preached.” (1 Corinthians 1:21) He is pleased when we pray for everyone—including “kings and all those who are in authority”—so that “we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity.” (1 Timothy 2:2-3)

He is pleased when we “don’t neglect to do what is good and to share” (Hebrews 13:16), when we have faith (without it, it is impossible to please Him, according to Hebrews 11:6), and when we fear Him and put our hope in Him. (Psalm 147:11)

Certainly God also is pleased when we use our gifts and skills for His glory—that’s what the Olympian was talking about. We can feel His pleasure in these times, for sure.

But when we are pleasing God, we don’t always feel great. In fact, we might feel exactly the opposite.

When we persevere under temptation, or in the midst of a trial, or when it’s flat-out hard, we might feel sad or weary instead of joyful. But that doesn’t mean God isn’t pleased with us, does it? 

I don’t think so.

When I am pushing to get up a slight incline out on the trail, I don’t feel like I’m soaring on eagle’s wings. But I keep going. I keep running the race, even if it’s just to the next tree. While I may not notice it from day to day, over time, I’m getting stronger.

It doesn’t always feel good, but I’m doing a good thing by running. I’m setting a positive example for my girls. I’m working to keep my blood cholesterol at healthy levels. I’m filling my veins with endorphins that will help me function throughout the day.

It’s the same in life. Colossians 3:23 tells us that whatever we do, we should “work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men.”

We might feel God’s pleasure in the moment of doing something well, or we might feel it later when we see the fruit of our labor, or the results of our perseverance. Or it might not come until much, much later, or even in the next life.

Whatever the case, no matter how we feel at any given moment, God will give us the strength we need to run our race with endurance.


When we persevere under temptation, or in the midst of a trial, or when it’s flat-out hard, we might feel sad or weary instead of joyful. But God is still pleased with us. Share on X Whether or not we feel God's pleasure at any given moment, He will give us the strength we need to run our race with endurance. Share on X

P.S. I’m linking up this week with One Word 2021, #tellhisstory, InstaEncouragements, Recharge Wednesday, Let’s Have Coffee, Inspire Me Monday, #HeartEncouragement and Grace & Truth.

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Barb Hegreberg May 28, 2021 - 7:20 am

Pleasing God is definitely not about our comfort or our happiness at doing the task. It is about finding His Joy & Peace in our obedience.

Lois Flowers May 28, 2021 - 7:02 pm

So true, Barb.

Donna May 21, 2021 - 11:57 am

Lois, I found your post so encourging today, as I’m struggling with some hard places, and feeling like I’m always letting God down. This statement, “When we persevere under temptation, or in the midst of a trial, or when it’s flat-out hard, we might feel sad or weary instead of joyful. But that doesn’t mean God isn’t pleased with us, does it? ” So breathed life into my soul, thank you!!

Lois Flowers May 24, 2021 - 3:23 pm

Aw, Donna … I’m so sorry for those hard places you’ve been lately. And also glad you were encouraged by stopping by this past week. Keep on keeping on, my friend … I’m running the race with you!

Linda Stoll May 20, 2021 - 9:06 pm

She ‘runs freely and with energy and full of joy.’

That’s who I want to be, that’s how I want to live. Physically, emotionally, spiritually.

By His grace, maybe someday?

Lois Flowers May 24, 2021 - 3:20 pm

I’m with you, dear Linda! 🙂

Lisa Blair May 20, 2021 - 10:49 am

This is so true, Lois, “We might feel God’s pleasure in the moment of doing something well, or we might feel it later when we see the fruit of our labor, or the results of our perseverance. Whatever the case, no matter how we feel at any given moment, God will give us the strength we need to run our race with endurance.”

Lois Flowers May 20, 2021 - 3:23 pm

Thanks, Lisa. Good to hear from you this week!

Michele Morin May 20, 2021 - 6:26 am

Only for the sake of the gospel! We are compelled to do what we are called to do –drawn by the calling to Him! Running is such a great metaphor for the daily self denial of the following life.

Lois Flowers May 20, 2021 - 3:22 pm

I agree, Michele … even more so now that I’ve actually experienced a bit of growth by doing it!

Joanne Viola May 19, 2021 - 10:44 am

“We might feel God’s pleasure in the moment of doing something well, or we might feel it later when we see the fruit of our labor, or the results of our perseverance. Or it might not come until much, much later, or even in the next life.” So true, Lois. But may I be faithful to run my race – whether or not.

Lois Flowers May 20, 2021 - 3:20 pm

Amen, Joanne … “whether or not.” 😊

Lisa notes May 18, 2021 - 5:39 pm

You make a valid point, Lois. We don’t always feel good even when we are doing good. But the blessing will eventually come, even if it’s much, much later. (But I always prefer right now. lol)

Lois Flowers May 20, 2021 - 3:19 pm

Me too, Lisa! 😊

Barbara Harper May 18, 2021 - 3:57 pm

I was just reading another post about Liddell. He might not have felt God’s pleasure in his last days suffering with a brain tumor in a Japanese interment camp. At least not in the same way as when he was running. But I’m sure God was just as pleased with his faith and faithfulness in the latter circumstances as the former.

Lois Flowers May 20, 2021 - 3:18 pm

Absolutely, Barbara. Thanks for sharing that about Liddell’s life … I feel I may have heard that before but the memory was very foggy!

Lesley May 18, 2021 - 3:53 pm

This is an encouraging post, Lois! I agree, there are times when we feel God’s pleasure in an obvious way as we use our gifts for him, but there are other times when it just feels like hard work and we need his strength to persevere. I think of Jesus going to the cross, where he knew he was doing his Father’s will and God must have been pleased, but I doubt Jesus felt it at that point. It’s a good reminder that our feelings don’t always tell the true story.

Lois Flowers May 20, 2021 - 3:16 pm

Oh wow, Lesley … Jesus dying on the cross is a powerful example of how pleasing God doesn’t always feel great (far, far from it). And yet, He saw it through to the end, which now enables us to persevere. Blessings to you this week, my friend.

Laurie May 18, 2021 - 2:20 pm

Ha! I had to laugh at the reference to gale-force Kansas winds. When Bill and I recently drove out to Colorado, we went for a run on a trail in Kansas and felt those winds! The tailwind was awesome, but when we turned around and faced the headwind – whew!

I have felt God’s pleasure a few times when running. Part of what makes that pleasure so special is because it is rare! 🙂 Doing the thing that is best for you does not always feel good.

Lois Flowers May 20, 2021 - 3:12 pm

Yeah, those headwinds can be pretty stout, Laurie! That’s a great point about the rareness of the experience making it special. Hugs, friend!
